Chapter 2: Other World Part 1

Start from the beginning

It was similar to how I got up yesterday but my stress of what could happen to school made everything gloomier. So gloomy in fact, that I had to wear a hoodie today so the bruises around my eye couldn't be seen easily. Arriving at school was the same too, except that I was a little bit early. There weren't that many people here yet, which was nice but awkward at the same time. Down the hall of the school where the cafeteria was sat a small group of kids that I sometimes hung out with. They, honestly, weren't that unique and copied how each other acted just so they could fit in. I didn't care though as it's easy to understand the reason behind it, no one wants to be the outcast. 

"Hey Lon', what are you doing?" Lon'? Interesting nickname but I guess my name was hard to make a small catchy name for. The person who called me, who was a part of that small group, waved generously in my direction as if showing where he was sitting would make any difference. 

I might as well anyways, waving back and walking over to them with my backpack slung over my arm while saying, "Well, I woke up pretty early so here I am." Only half of them, which was only two, looked up at me and immediately saw the bruise around my eye but instead of questioning me, they just smiled. Maybe they thought I did something to earn it, but I know that they were going to gossip once I left. Not like I cared, kids will gossip, but this group never really shunned anyone because of what they've done. 

Ashley, who mainly kept the group together, softly smacked the shoulder of a boy next to her who was smiling like a frozen statue at my bruise, not looking away once. Out of everyone in this group, whether that be Rogelio, Maggie, Nelson, or even Finn, she was the nicest and most passionate when it came to her hobbies. They didn't have anything going for them, well maybe Finn, but Ashley was always the leading role in theater with her long brown hair and almost scarlet eyes staring back at the audience. Everyone wanted to be like her, and she must've enjoyed the attention but never showed it. 

I don't know if anyone could see it, but her eyes always dimmed after being on stage and her schedule was always busy like a certain other person we all knew in class. As I thought about that person, I looked over to see her sitting down with another group, her eyes almost always dark and lifeless now as she read from the school textbook. I can say on the behalf of everyone that she was the most intimidating person here and also the smartest, hardly talking at all and keeping to herself. 

Before I became too distracted, Finn spoke up in a gruff but also weirdly smooth voice, "So London, what's that about," pointing to my bruise. Stereotypical surfer boy with a strong frame and short brazen hair, he wasn't much for starting a conversation. 

Actually, I wasn't expecting it as I scrambled to say, "It's nothing, I just fell when I was skating." 

A small slip-up as Nelson jumped on that and said, "You, skating? You gotta hop with us next time to chill and chat about shit." I could only give a weak smile and move my head while agreeing. No one else spoke up though, with Maggie and Rogelio keeping quiet with their phones in their face, but I could tell that Ashley knew it was a lie. She knew me more than any of them, as her eyes shot daggers into my soul. 

Before she could ask anything, I saw a wave of kids from the entrance of the school and I casually got up, walking over there to see if anyone else came. Thank God the bus came though because I'm not that good at lying in front of someone's face. Out of the bull rush of students, I saw Johndavid and Dominique walking in and completely distracted at whatever conversation they were having on the bus. Just like that, I just fell into what they were talking about and simply moved around the school with them as they finished up, looking at me and almost instantly noticing the bruise. 

"What happened London, did you get punched by another vending machine or something?" John said without any sympathy or thought put into his words. 

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