Selfish desire

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(Alright fine here you go ya simps.
I'm gonna be using Bad's online name now because I don't feel like stepping over his boundaries just to write my dumb little story)

Bad got into bed and covered himself with the blanket. "Cmon Zaky! There's lots of space for you!"

Zak hesitated. He knew he felt different about Bad. There was something about him that didn't feel like his other friendships. He knew that he was in deep but he continued to deny it.
Zak felt that getting into that bed would be him taking advantage of a person's kindness, Bad's kindness. He 'doesn't deserve that' Zak thought.
"Bad seriously it's fine! I'll sleep on the floor!"

"But Zak-"

"No buts Bad, seriously."

Bad frowned but he understood
"Well.. alright then, I get it." He shrugged then looked at Zak "But you better not complain about my floor being uncomfy!"

Zak giggled and smiled "Alright Bad, you got it."


Bad was long gone into a deep sleep snoring gently.
Zak had stayed awake, thoughts kept whirling in his mind " i.. a bad person..?" He whispered to himself. "I know he probably doesn't feel the same.. so.. why am I like this? Why do I continue to entertain the thought of this relationship being a possibility. Why do I continue to pretend that he could ever feel the way I feel towards him."
Zak tossed and turned all night, unable to get a blink of sleep.

Suddenly the clock turned to 1
Then 2
Then 3..
The hours seemed endless.
How much longer was he to endure his own selfishness?
He had no right to be there in that kindhearted man's bedroom.
The only reason he had ended up there was because Bad was sick.
Why didn't he leave?
Why didn't you leave Zak. What kept you there. Your own selfish gain?

The clock suddenly struck 7.

It was time to get up, maybe make breakfast, that was the least he could do for his friend.

He got up and looked over at his sleeping friend with a sad look as he walked out to make some coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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