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"Hey Darry." Zak whispered into his small friends ear.

"Meeeeh what? Wait-" Darryl opened his eyes and looked up to see a smiling face.

"Glad you're awake, how're you feeling?"

"Ah- well I um- wha??" His face felt flushed. "How- you- I'm-"

Zak giggled softly. "It's fine. The soup is cold by now. Would you like me to heat it up for you bug?"

"Bh- Bug?" Darryl's face grew increasingly red by the minute.

"Yeah, I thought it'd be a nice nickname because you work in a flower shop after all." He poked at his nose. "Anyway, excuse me sir I'll go and prepare the soup." Zak sat up, pushing his bud off and walked to the kitchen.

Darryl sat dumbfounded on the couch. "Zak- hooo geez." He felt his heart beating faster at the thought of what had just happened. "What even happened? What'd I do?" Darryl got up and walked down the corridor peeking into the kitchen, where his best friend had been microwaving the soup. "Uhm Zak?"

"Yeah? Whats up?"

"Did I do or- say anything strange to you?" He asked nervously.

Zak chuckled. "Not at all. You just wanted a sleeping partner thats all."

"Ooh my goodness, I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking straight." Darryl ruffled his own hair in anxiousness.

The microwave beeped loudly, as Zak laid the soup on the counter. He walked over to Darryl and whispered in his ear. "As I said, its fine bug." He backed away with a smile. "Now c'mon. Lets go enjoy some soup!"

"Hah- um yeah yeah." This was going to be a long day.

-Time skip soup is finished 😩-

"Your soup was amazing Zak! You've gotta give me the recipe sometime!"

"Awh Geez It was nothing really." He scratched his neck.

"Thank you so much Zak. Whew, I'm full." Darryl rested his head on Zaks shoulder.

"Hmh." Zak let out a satisfied sigh leaning closer toward his friend.

"Hey Zak?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot." He said with a smile.

"Have you ever been so in love with something to where it hurts just thinking about it?"

"Ah well, is this a question about your shop?"

"...Yeah, sure." He smiled.

"Well to be honest not really since I have never truly been 'in love' with my own job because it's honestly so extremely boring and not fun at all."

"Aw, I wish someday you'll find a job that'd make your life worth while."

"Yeah I hope I do too."
Zak slowly pulled Darryl's hand into his, not realizing how the other might've felt with this action.

There was a small and comfortable silence. Though Darryl's face was clearly panicked he felt oddly calm with this quiet.

"...Ah shoot! It's getting late. I should probably leave." Zak stood quickly, grabbing his things.

"What?" Darryl stood and walked after him disappointed.

"I mean I've already been here longer than needed and I don't really want to be a bother-"

"No stay!- well I mean.. You er should stay! It's already 11 and the streets must be dangerous at this hour."

"But where would I sleep?"

"You could.. sleep with me..?"

"well- but- that's.. that'd-"

"It's okay we can sleep faced away from eachother!"

"I don't know about this Darryl.."

"It'll be fine! C'mon!"


*~{Wilted Roses}~* skephalo AUWhere stories live. Discover now