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"there's nothing to be confused about" he said. "um yeah there is" i said. "okay what are you confused about" he asked. "what are we?" i asked.

yeah yeah i know. we've only acknowledged eachothers existence for like two days and it's too early to jump into a relationship. but at the same time i can't tell if he's trying to actually be with me or if he is just trying to get in my pants and have me as a fuck buddy.

he shrugged his shoulders. "oh wow really cleared things up" i sassed sarcastically at him. he smirked. "i like hanging out with you" he said. i raised my eyebrows at him. "do you just want a fuck buddy or are you like trying for a relationship?" i asked with a bunch of sass. he rolled his eyes.

"literally answer the question" i said. "how about we just take things slow" he said in a flirty tone. he leaned over. i laid down on the bed and was on top of me. we were kissing. "you gonna break my heart noah flynn?" i asked in between kisses. he just smirked at me.

(a week later)

okay so word had kinda gotten around pretty fast that me and noah are "hanging out".

me and him aren't in an official relationship or anything but i mean we aren't not in a relationship. you know? i haven't really told anyone. i mean everyone has kinda figured it out because me and him show up to school with eachother everyday and we're always walking in the halls with eachother. but i haven't like admitted it or come out and said we're together.

i kinda feel bad cause i've been blowing valerie off. i mean before noah and me became a thing,me and valerie were with eachother everyday.

to some it may seem easy,but i'm telling you,balancing a "boyfriend" and your best friend who you usually spend all your time with is a lot more difficult than you might think. especially when your best friend doesn't really approve of this so called "boyfriend" and the "boyfriend" thinks your best friend is a physco.

like of course. with my luck,those two hate eachother. and there's no fixing it. when valerie hates someone,there's no convincing her to give them another shot or try to get her to like them. once shes decided she doesn't like them,it's final.

are we more than;noah flynn Where stories live. Discover now