"Why did I even go there?" I mumbled underneath my breath, grumbling and complaining from the loud noise that the girls from the other school, amazed and annoyed at how they can still produce loud voices, even after a few meter's distance.

I just tried to ignore them as I walked on the field towards the direction of my school building, seeing girls and boys from other schools as I pass by.

"Did you see Bara today? She was so hot!!"

"I know right? She totally killed it today as well!"

"Yup! She was so good!"

Random girls talked happily with each other, I smiled, but suddenly felt my heart stopped.. when I heard a familiar voice in the conversation.

"The Zuka club's performance was stunning!"

The voice that I couldn't forget.. soft and timid yet confident and cheerful.. Just as I snapped out of it, I tried to quickly walk off-

"(M/N)-kun?" She asked, making me stop from my tracks again.

I gulped and slowly turned around, seeing her familar blonde locks that was still signaturedly tied into two pigtails. Her hair longer than what I remembered, but her beautiful mocha eyes stayed the same. Her eyes widened from shock as she stared up at me, before giving a big excited grin.

"Oh my gosh! It's actually you!" She exclaimed, hand covering her mouth, her eyes shining.

I gave her a small smile.

"It's been a while, Nozomi-san.."


| Third Person's POV

"Today's performance was a success again." The short petite girl says with a proud smile.

"Our singing and acting are accepted anywhere." The beautiful dirty-blonde haired girl says, as she wore her elegant smile.

"However, today's main event is coming up." The tallest of the three seemed to start as she looked up the High School building up ahead with a playful smirk.

It was the final day of the Cultural Club Exhibition, and surprising enough the three girls from Lobelia kept their word. The three girls were standing in the Hall way of the giant High School Building, where the Fujioka siblings were taking to get to the Host Club.

The two looked at the girls who looked to have a confident look as they spoke.

"Hello, fair maiden and charming young man."- Benibara

"We have come as promised."- Hinagiku

"We will convince them today."- Suzuran

"Convince them of what?" Haruhi asked first, while her older brother stood beside her.

"That fair maiden's like you belong in the places that fit you!" Benibara says, getting a little too close to the younger Fujioka, making the marooned-haired male slap the girls hand away with a glare.

"Back off." (M/N) said, as he stood in front of Haruhi protectively.

Benibara was shock at first, before smirking and licked her lips, her eyes looked amused.

"Feisty.. I like it," Benibara says, chuckling a little as she looked down at the male.

"Well then, let's go." She declared. And so they did, stopping just in front of the door, before opening it. Revealing a very dark room, which confused everyone.

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