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She ran towards the window seeing how high up she was, she shrieked, “We’re in the tower!”

The others stifled a chuckle, forcing themselves to maintain a poker face.

Lavainge faced Azuriah with a frown, she grabbed her hands. “Azuriah, I—”

And before she could even begin, the feeling of exhilaration has already taken over Azuriah with an uncontrollable behavior. “Are you ready?! Let’s continue the trials mages!” She looked at all of them with the blithe sound of laughter yet only a sullen atmosphere was felt.

Lavainge tightened her grip. “We . . . we should get going.” All of them forced themselves not laugh as they grab their bags walking slowly towards door, waiting for Azuriah’s reaction.

But before she could even react, the mages spoke. “You may go.” The mage’s words left Azuriah even more shocked.

“What? We’re back in the tower, aren’t we?” Bewildered, she looked at the others expectantly waiting for an answer.

Eumoi tried to reach out for yet she shunned, staring at the mages. “Should I repeat it? You may go.”

Flabbergasted, she looked at the mages with anguish. “I, then why did you let us stay here?”

“We are not that cold-blooded, one of my disciple saw you collapse in the middle of the night, in the middle of a storm, we have no other choice but to keep you here for now and now that you’re healed and rested, it’s time for you and your friends to go.”

Farrah faced her, her eyes burning with resolve and resolute. “You did have a choice . . . you could’ve left me in there, you saved me so thank you . . . but I’m sorry, I won’t give up, at least not until you gave my sister another chance.”

A smile flashed across their faces, Farrah stared at her, curiously addicted to her smile. “Lady Azuriah, you really are one unbelievable lady.”

He grabbed something from his pocket . . . and placed it on Azuriah hand. Puzzled she looked at it . . . nothing? “I think, er. Did you gave me something?” She tried looking at it again but nothing’s changed, it’s still nothing.

All of them, finally bursted into laughter. “What’s happening here?!” she squealed as the others continued to laugh.

“Look again,” Farrah whispered. Easily convinced, Azuriah tried to look again even harder. “Did you see it?” he asked but Azuriah still has no clue whatsoever.

“Can’t you just tell me? I can’t see anything,” she mumbled staring at the palm of her hand.

The others covered their mouth, holding back the laughter. Trying not make fun of Azuriah who was looking at them, pleading for help.

Out of a sudden Lymph spoke with a sympathetic smile. “Since . . . we have already given what you wanted, feel free to leave . . . now.”

He was about to turn when out of a sudden Azuriah reached and grabbed his hand grasping it tightly. “What—”

“Could you please . . .” She stuttered as her grip tightened.

Lymph who already decided to make fun of her replied, “Please what? Let. Me. Go.”

He tried brushing off her hand yet Azuriah didn’t even flinched, their eyes met, and even the calmest water loses control, he looked away feeling uneasy and unfamiliar. She lets go of him feeling guilty.

“Please, give my sister a chance—”

Farrah finally smiled. “Could you repeat that?” he asked mischievously as the others starts to cackle.

“A chance?” All of them applauded.

“Exactly, that’s what what we’re giving you.” After a second, and a moment of realization, the most beautiful smile was plastered on Azuriah’s face.

She jumped in joy as the others watch her, their heart fluttering.

“Do you know about this?” She looked sharply at her friends who avoided her gaze.

Simultaneously they responded, “No.”

She turned to the mages and pulled them into a group hug. “Thank you! Thank you!” Slowly letting them go the mages breath a long sigh.

“What should we do now? Will you give us the piece of the prophecy?” she asked.

Lymph crossed his arms and responded, “Lady, don’t think like we can do that . . .”

Farrah leaned on Ether who stayed silent the whole time, then whispered, “Don’t you think we’re spoiling her too much?”

“Er, she deserves it . . . at least,” he answered staring at Azuriah and her smile.

Lavainge stepped up. “When will be facing each other again?” she query facing Lymph.

“Tomorrow, prepare for me. Just like before, I’ll show no mercy, so . . . forgive me in advance.” He offered his hand which Lavainge accepted.

The sound of Azuriah’s stomach silenced the whole room, they laughed together almost endlessly. “Since, one of us already starving . . . let us eat,” Ether proceeded leading them to the dinner.

Azuriah catched up to the three mages grabbing Ether’s and so is Farrah’s shoulders. “I want to be as formal as I could be as a lady but . . . I just don’t know how, however, thank you Farrah, Ether and you Lymph, I never would’ve thought that my actions can change your mind . . .”

Farrah laughed facing her. “What do you mean by that, didn’t you say you woudn’t stop unless we gave what you wanted . . . you gave us no choice.”

“Er, about that, I’m truly sorry, Farrah can I call you that or should I keep the formality?”

Ether on the other hand chuckled. “We’re just the same age as you, Azuriah.” She turned to him puzzled.

“The three of you are amazing! Look at you already the head mages and you’re still young!” Her words left Ether stunned but as he remember the years that gone by, his smile also disappeared.

“I . . . I can’t even consider myself like how highly you think of me, Azuriah. The three of us are not even a official head mages . . .”

Azuriah look at the three frowning mages. “Is that right? Hm, for all I care, I believe in the three of you . . . leading this nation, teaching magic, protecting your people. You guys are the best!”

The three mages stopped walking. Ether whispered under his breath, “Your words are so much more powerful.”

She turned to them, curiously she asked, “You know . . . I kinda lost my memories and all, um . . . can you tell me about you and your land?”

“Lusion? Well . . . this may not be as magical like a fairytale that you think it is.”

A L L Y _ A L L I E

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