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“You really like to pass out on everyone, don’t you?” She slowly opened her eyes hearing Loic’s loud but soft voice that  somewhat eased her worry.

“I knew it,” she uttered, grabbing his shoulders tightly. “You were right about it!” Her words were a bit blur for Loic, he removed her hands distantly.

“About what . . . let’s just go to your sister, they must already be planning for the next piece.” He helped her get up and left as soon as she was able to stand by herself.

She stifled a chuckle. “He’s blaming himself, isn’t he? What a softie,” she said in a whisper, entering the room where everyone was discussing.

Her appearance made the people there stood up, they hurriedly ran towards her. “Are you okay?” her sister asked as she caress her hand looking at her with worry.

“I’m more than okay! Come here Loic!” He turned to them after hearing his name. He walked and stood beside her with a slight mix of confusion.

He leaned close to her and whispered, “What am I doing here—”

Before he could even finish, Azuriah spoke ecstatically, “Everyone! I have a very very good news.”

“Loic if you must.” She nudged, turning to him with a huge grin plastered on her face, she pushed him in front.

Behind Loic was Azuriah who whispers the words he’ll need to say. “About the patterns yesterday . . .”

“Er . . . about the the patterns yesterday,” Loic repeated her words as he anxiously waited for her next.

“I found out that . . . it has meaning, follow me.”

Just like a puppet he copied the words of the puppeteer, Azuriah grasped his shoulders leading him outside where the sun’s scorching heat burned them.

She stopped at the place where she passed out, letting go of Loic who was already tensed, she sighed. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

The others approached them, Leal breathed in and out heavily and uttered, “So what now?”

They fanned themselves as Azuriah crouches pointing at the blank space . . . “Loic was right all along.”

Lavainge gasped seeing how the pattern ended there. “About what? The pattern . . . it doesn’t seem like there’s a hidden lever?”

Cellisto too crouched, placing his hand on the ground, examining the floor but found no nothing. “There’s nothing here . . . as expected.”

Azuriah’s smile faded as Seiya walk beside her and mumbled, “Maybe the carvings were just erased . . . we still need to continue or else—”

“I know. But, I feel like, this.” Pointed at the ground. “ . . . this is it.”

Eumoi’s look softened, staring at Azuriah’s desperate eyes. “It will take us three days to reach Mith . . . we will need to get going Riah, Minerva might catch up to us, you . . . understand right?”

She turned to him, and forced a slight smile. Then, shifting her gaze at Loic. “Come on, let’s pack out things.” He tapped her shoulder before walking away from her.

The others followed leaving Azuriah all alone, with a desperate look, she glanced at the blank space for the last time before following the others. “Were we really wrong?”

After packing up their things, they prepared to set off as the sun starts to set. “Off to the third piece . . .”

They dissemble their camp, staring at the ruins for the last time . . . worriedly they looked at Azuriah who crouched still staring mindlessly at the ground.

“Riah,” Eumoi called and sat beside her. “We don’t want to fight off another horde of living corpses, right?”

Without an inch of motivation she slowly turned to Eumoi. “Is it night already? She shrugged and stood up with the help of Eumoi who tightly grasped her hand.

“Are you really that sure?” he asked in a whisper which caught her attention.

Her eyes twinkle as her face brightens, she replied too in a whisper, “Yes . . . will you stop them? Come on—”

“Come on, do you think they’ll listen to me?” He sighed tiredly.

“Your my prince, of course they would—” She covered her own mouth as the others look at her strangely confused.

“She’s asking the are we there yet . . . again.” They turned away from her shrugging.

Lavainge with an awkward smile she  replied, “Do entertain her, Eumoi.”

After a quiet second, they continued to walk away as the two walk behind them all. “Would you?” she asked again.

“They wouldn’t agree . . . but, no . . . let’s just go Riah and please . . . shush.”

She grinned knowing she already won. “I won’t shut up until you help me.”

“Are we there yet—”

“Goodness,” he replied as the others sighs. “No, continue.”

They continued to walk as Azuriah repeatedly sang her song, walking for hours, singing for hours without any break. They felt like they were already deft; their ears numbed.

“Oh, I give up, if she repeats that one more time . . .”

With a devilish grin she laughed. “Are we . . . there—”

“Okay! Let’s spend the night here!” Without paying bits of attention to Azuriah they started setting up their camp.

“Aw, guys . . .” she stifled a chuckle, sitting in a fallen tree. “Let me help yo—”

“Don’t worry, Lady Azuriah, we can handle this . . . just sit back and shut your mouth,” Leal uttered irritatedly as he curtsy to her before he proceeded setting up the fire place.

The tingling feeling of certainty haunted her. “I need to comeback there . . .” She stood up and looked around, walking a step backward.

No one else saw but Leal who sighed before following her. After walking a short distance she was able to breath a sigh of relief, rest assured that no one followed her.

But the sureness disappeared as someone suddenly grabs her wrist tightly. Instinctively she grabbed her dagger and placed it just in it’s chin. “Hey! Stop it’s me—”

“ . . . Leal?”

She removed her hand on him. “Are you worried for me?” she asked with a huge smile on her face.

“Oh, Azuriah . . . if you only know,” he said in a slight whisper.

“Hm, help me okay?” She offered her hand as it hangs on the air. He looked then turned away from her.

He replied in a cold tone, “Why would I?” He glanced at her curious to what she would reply.

“Because . . . you’re my precious friend, you may not think or feel the same way, so I want to know . . . Leal, would you be my friend?”

A L L Y _ A L L I E

Galad's Legacy: Destined FateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora