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Light faded as darkness consumed her, unable to breathe, too powerless to move . . . she fell into an endless void of darkness.

“A— Ah!?”

As she open her eyes, she couldn’t be even confused to be surrounded with faces of concern when she didn't even know any them—

“Lady Azuriah?! Are you okay?” A porcelain doll placed her cold hand on top of Azuriah’s head then recited what she thought was made up words.

She could feel her body lighter and eventually found herself comfortable when reality hits her. “This is soothing, wait— who are you?!”

She tried to stand up yet immediately fell, she found herself in a moving carriage when she met the eyes of the most beautiful girl she ever saw. The lady turned to her confused. “Cellisto, stop the carriage.”

She stared at her admiringly, while the lady helped her get up. “Sister . . . what happened? Did you have a nightmare?” the lady jokingly asked.

“S—Sister? Who are you?” All of them were in a daze as the smile on the lady's face turns into worry. “You? You’re a doll how can you speak!?” She pointed at the doll as it tries to hide its concern with a smile.

“You . . . lost your memories? Sister? How?

“I’m not— Who are you? Who am I?” She forced her to remember but only resulted in a strike of headache.

“First lady, I believe that you’re right. Since my lady has lost her memories, let us camp here for a while as I tell her everything to help her calm down.” The first lady agreed, leaving the two alone in the carriage.

“My lady, I am Seiya your humble servant. I’ll tell you all that I know.” She sat beside her leaving a bit of distance to make sure her lady was at ease.

“You, my lady, is the second daughter of the supreme emperor, your name is Azuriah Avionne, while the first lady is your sister, Lady Lavainge Avionne.” She nodded in acknowledgement, yet distracted staring at who she believed is her sister talking to a dove.

“This is Galad, but lady I must ask . . . do you at least remember your fate?” Azuriah denied as she shakes her head.

Azuriah turned to Seiya, and asked, “How do you know your fate?”

“The moment you were born, your fate is decided, it's hard to explain. It feels like it's something that will make you question when or why it will happen but you can’t do anything but to wait for it . . .” She took a long pause. “Forgive me if I wasn't able to satisfy your question.”

Azuriah went close to her ears and whispered, “Seiya don't be too formal, talk to me casually.”

Seiya immediately bolted out of her seat, not daring to look at Azuriah. “Impossible, that's a death wish milady! I’m just a mere servant, I dare not.”

“Is there any rule stated that you can't call me by my name—”


“What?” She turns to look outside seeing trees surrounding them. “Where are we, and why are we here?”

She looked around first, before turning to Azuriah. “The Emperor, who is your father, the only being who knows everything. He was chosen to rule this world but . . . he can only give us only little information.”

She sighed. “And, he told us to prepare for the . . . prophecy. We are here to—” Her smile doesn't meet her eyes.

Azuriah noticed her fear but was intrigued. “What prophecy?” she asked as she holds Seiya’s hand. “Every thousand years, darkness will be reborn, someone would get such a dangerous ability, powerful enough to enslave this whole world . . . the power to awaken the dead.”

Galad's Legacy: Destined FateWhere stories live. Discover now