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Azuriah stopped, turning to others who were just as surprise to see the place.  "How come I am the only one who seems to not know anything?" she asked. 

And before anyone could even reply, Seiya stepped in beside Azuriah who is somewhat apologetic, yet still shaken after Azuriah's unexpected outrage. "Lady, I—I am deeply sorry for not letting you know . . . I just thought that there is no need for you to know about this place," she muttered.

There was a split second of silence whereas everyone was just terrified seeing Azuriah grip her hands so tightly as they wait for her reply. "Then tell me, what is Egrath?" she asked as her hands finally loosened up and everyone were able to breath again.

Eumoi tapped Lavainge's back and muttered, "Please don't even try to anger her anymore, Lady."

Everyone started to feel at ease seeing Azuriah back to her usual curious look instead of an icy stare.

"You see . . . everyone that lived here before was banished— exiled . . . and Egrath was no more, each houses was burned, flames engulf what once was beautiful structures turned into ashes," Lavainge paused, turning to the remaining structures that was there. "Because— All because of . . ."

Azuriah looked at her, waiting for her to finish. "Because of what? Why would anyone . . . do that? Who would—" Lavainge cut her off before she could even finish.

"It was our father."

Everyone knew, but not Azuriah. She was flabbergasted— she was in shock. "Why? Why would he do that? For what reason would he ruin lives of other people, at least— to that extent?" she staggered trying to spit out words.

Lavainge stood beside her, desperate to comfort her sister despite the past confrontation. "He didn't have any choice, sister," she replied as Azuriah turns to her with a confused look.

She asked, "What do you mean? What reason could have forced him to ruin the lives of his people?"

Lavainge was silent and heartbroken that Cellisto had to pull her aside to comfort her. "Everything is all right, Milady," he whispered.

Cellisto was almost too close to Lavainge and was bashful, his heartbeat started to beat uncontrollably even when he tries to calm himself.

She leaned on his shoulder, visibly shaking. "Please, calm down." His concern for her was obvious. He looked at the others, wanting to let her cool for a second, he excused himself with the lady. "Deepest apologies but I must stay with my lady." Together with her lady, both leave the premise while the others stayed.

"My sister, is she—"

"She will be okay . . . it seems like she still hasn't forgotten about what happened," Eumoi stopped. "Your sister was there when . . . it happened."

Azuriah felt guilty not knowing the past trauma her sister must've had, but. "I still don't why," she muttered turning before turning to Seiya. "You must know about this, right?"

"I—I yes. That time, your father was just a . . . knight and there the supreme diety that reigning was . . . Supreme Emperor Liones and . . . he was killed."

"But what does it have to do with Egrath?" she asked.

"Of course everyone was in shock, as the palace starts to investigate the assassination and they found the sword— that killed the Supreme Deity . . . in Egrath, and also found letters that is . . . they allegedly are preparing for a rebellion against the palace. Your father was chosen and at his first day . . . he had no choice, he can either kill all of them or exile them," Seiya paused taking a deep breath.

"That was his choice, that was their fate."

Azuriah looked up seeing how the sun set slowly as others were waiting for her response. "But— The Supreme Deity is suppose to know everything . . . right? How can one not prevent his death if he knows it is coming?" she asked yet again.

Leal moved towards her. "Galad is a world where everything is decided by your fate. From the moment you are born until your last breath, it is bound to happen, no one knows when, how, what, why, but the Supreme Deity."

"I know," she replied adamantly. "Then why?"

"The Supreme Deity's might know everything but they can't do anything but to make it happen, they were chosen to make sure that everything will go as what is written in their fates."

"They can never tell what they know, never. They cannot change anyone's fate, not even theirs. if it's their time to die then, it's their time."

He gently placed his hand on Azuriah's shoulder as she replies, "Then . . . we're nothing but blind puppets, don't you think so?" His grip on her shoulders tightened before letting go,

"The only way to be free is . . . tell me, what?" Leal muttered as sadness momentarily appears on his face before faking a smile.

"Well, we can't do anything about it." Azuriah turned to each of them. "Let's just do what we can now that we are still breathing."

In sync with each other, everyone turned to Azuriah, sighing at the same time chuckling, lightening the atmosphere. "Glad to have you back, Milady," Eumoi whispered, leaning close to Azuriah's ears tapping her shoulders.

Everyone else finally let's out a laugh, but Leal was still contemplating, not knowing what to do or to feel.

"Well! We've got a prophecy to stop—"

"Lady Lavainge!" Hearing Cellisto's voice from a distance surprised them all. 

They followed his voice and went into the woods seeing Lavainge frozen infront of someone who's identity was hidden, wearing a robe to hide it'sface.

"It seems like we have visitors?" the man spoke.

A L L Y _ A L L I E

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