Chapter 1 Confusing Trust

Start from the beginning

"Where are we?"

'There's the question I was waiting for'

"we're inside a mountain. Mount Rainier to be exact." I respond, I don't think he expected that, if his shock is anything to go by.

Douxie's POV

The interior of the place so far looks more like a castle than a mountain, so hearing that I half thought he lied. The hall was lit with torches, and the entirety of the hall looked like it was designed with detail. It still bothers me that Bellroc and Skrael are behind and in front of me, however if they were going to hurt me they would have already done so.

 "Here's Nari's room. Please be quiet she's waking up now." Bellroc tells me. 

Nari's door is a dark forest green with a light green ivy pattern throughout the entire door. Slowly I grab the handle and open the door. Her room looks like a forest, quite literally. There are trees lining the walls, with grass carpeting the floor. There are flowers on almost everything and a few mystical plants around the place. There's a bed on the far left of the room with leaves, flowers and ivy styling the bed a like Bellroc said, Nari still on the bed, just barely awake.

Slowly and carefully I walk to Nari and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Hey Nari, are you alright?" I ask as she yawns.

"Mhm. What happened?" She opened her eyes a little more and looked at me.

"Skrael and Bellroc took both of us. They're not attacking so I don't think they're going to destroy the world."

"Does that mean we won't fight?"

"I don't know."

I start playing with her hair as she looks around at the room. I see her glow up with happiness at how lively the room is.

"Pretty" she whispers out.

"I agree" I say as I go move behind her and started undoing her braid.

"If you all don't mind, it is seven thirty. I'll go make dinner" Bellroc said and left.

Skrael nods to them and walks in, closing the door while looking at a few of the plants.

After a couple minutes, Nari's hair is completely loose.

"Uh, do we have anything I can put in her hair?" I ask Skrael.

"Hm? Oh, not any humans have made, but we can make them for you." After he said that he made two Bobby-pins and gave them to me.

"What are you doing with my hair anyway?"

"He's styling it"

I smirk at that comment and Nari huffs.

"I know that Skrael, but what style is he doing?"

'She sounds annoyed, did this used to happen often?'

"I'm doing a braid bun, and I didn't know Skrael is sarcastic"

"He's always like that. It gets annoying." Nari rolled her eyes then started glaring at Skrael.

'That's new behavior to me.'

"Oh like your straight forwardness isn't" 

They start arguing while I continue getting her hair braided and into the bun.

"can I get a hair tie?" Nari made one out of vines.

'Huh, surprisingly stretchy.'

I finish putting up the bun and start listening back into their argument.

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