"Young, leave, now," Wright says through gritted teeth.

"But Professor-" Brian begins to object but he interrupts him.

"I said, now."

I peer up through my lashes and catch a glacial glare from Wright fixated on Brian. He opens and closes his mouth but thinks better and gives in, his shoulder slumping. With a final glance in my way, he drags his feet away.

"And you, which faculty are you from?" Wright spins and meets Alex's glare.

He scoffs, "I'm not answering you." And then turns to me. "Rea, we're not done, lets go."

"Are you this university's student?" Wright demands, sparing an angry sideways glance in my way.

"Fu-" Alex starts but I interrupt him.

"He's not a student and he's leaving right now." I try to push Alex to begin walking towards the staircase, but it's useless, he stays glued to the spot.

Wright glowers at me but I hold his stare with my own scowl.

"If you don't leave right now, I'll have the security to throw you out," Wright warns Alex.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" Alex yells and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Things could not have gone worse.

"Do you know who I am?" Alex bellows.

"Of course I do. A spoiled kid who doesn't know how to talk and fights like an animal on campus grounds. Now if you don't want to get yourself in trouble, you'll leave." Wright takes a step towards Alex, his voice dangerously low as he towers over him.

"I'll show your place, you fucking asshole," Alex steps to him and I watch them with wide eyes.

"I called the security, they'll be here in any second," Professor Morris announces.

"Try," Wright mocks, looking Alex dead in the eyes.

Just at that moment, four men clad in blue come out of the elevator on the other side of the hall.

"Take this boy away, he doesn't study here and attacked one of the students." Wright turns and informs them.

They hurry and seize Alex as he shouts profanities, warning them to not touch him, but they pay him no heed. At the last second, when they are dragging him into the elevator, Alex yells over his shoulder. "You'll regret this. I'll make you regret it. And you Gracie, I'm not done with you."

They step into the elevator and the door slides shut.

Everyone falls quiet. I fix my gaze on my shoes, fidgeting with my fingers.

"My office," Wright mutters and I glance up just in time to see him glaring at me before walking away.

I throw my head back and groan, but instantly pull myself together and hurry to Professor Moriss as he makes his way down the other hallway.

"I'm so sorry sir," I apologize as I catch up with him.

He shakes his head. "I don't understand, do you have a magnet for trouble? Why does anything that ever happens out of ordinary, have to do something with you?" he watches me.

I rub my forehead and lift a shoulder. "I don't know... I-I never imagine things would go sideways this fast... this bad," I mumble.

He sighs and stops in his tracks and turns to me.

"I didn't mean to disappoint you," I hurriedly say and finally a soft smile appears on his face, making his hardened face soften.

"Gracie, I'm not disappointed; having fun is good, messing around is appropriate for your age, but what happened today... it's not acceptable. You're a good student. Don't get caught up with these things. When Spencer told me you've asked him to work on a paper with you, I was really happy, I thought you've finally started being serious about your studies and future, but today?" he sighs again. "Just focus on school for a while, you're letting your potential go to waste."

I try hard not to ponder over the simple statement that Wright told Professor Morris he'll be working on a paper with me... the more I mull over it, the more conflicted I become. Why would he tell this to Morris? What else has he told to Professor Morris about me?

Does he talk about me with others?

If so, what does he say?

Does this show he thinks about me too?

What does he think of me?

I snap out of my spiraling thoughts and nod, a small smile appearing on my face. "I will. From today onwards, I'll only focus on school."

He chuckles, "Let's see how long this one lasts. I really want to see you reach the peaks of success."

"Thank you, professor."

He nods. "You shouldn't keep Wright waiting any longer." He says with a laugh and heads into a classroom.

Right... Professor Wright.

I inhale sharply and gather my bearings, preparing myself to meet the one and only, Professor Spencer Wright.

∞ ∞ ∞

The drama has just begun ^.^

=))))))  well, as you can see, I have a thing for drama (the more the better xD) but anyway, what are your thoughts on this chapter? 

Who handled the situation better? =) Oooh, and do you think Brian made a mistake for interfering?

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, don't forget to vote if you did =) Next chapter will be up tomorrow ^.^

Till then, stay safe, lots of love, happy reading <33

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