7 | Envy or Raging Hormones?

Start from the beginning

We turned down a street that was clean and quiet compared to the fraternity houses, and Jayce pulled into a white paneled house's driveway, tucked at the back of a cul de sac. Iya, Lucy, and I looked at each other with wrinkled foreheads because it was dark and looked like nobody was home.

"Are we getting kidnapped?" Iya whispered, and I laughed.

Jayce and Brant turned around to face us. "This is your first baseball rodeo, right?"

"Yes," we said, almost in unison. Their faces brightened as if they were about to commit a glorious crime. I shifted my weight, waiting.

"Three rules. One, no social media posts about where you are. If we get caught throwing bangers, we get our asses handed back to us by our coach. Two, do not go into the front yard unless you are leaving. Three, have a great fucking time."

They reached out to fist bump us and cheers ebbed through the car, then we climbed out and followed them through the fence gate.

Faint R&B music mixed with conversation filled my ears, and I observed the dense group of students littering the backyard holding various forms of alcohol. Some perched by the fire pit, others stood at the pong table or sat under the patio awning decorated with string lights. Regardless of the number of guests, it was awfully discreet for a party.

They weren't kidding when they said they didn't want to be caught.

Feeling slightly buzzed from my two shots earlier, I scanned the yard for Elijah. He must be here somewhere. He lived here after all. But all I saw were members of the baseball team, exclusive plus ones (or more like plus fives), and other student-athletes, which caught me by surprise.

Yeah, the baseball players were muscular, but they were scrawny compared to the football team. There some stood, towering between five foot eleven and six foot six. Their shoulders spanned the width of my body (if you were to lay my body horizontal). Okay, I was exaggerating, but they were big.

Guests pulled Jayce and Brant in for a handshake and typical bro-hug, congratulating them on their big win. I watched like an outsider.

This was surreal. All those semesters wondering what it would be like going to a baseball party, I didn't expect this. This was oddly calm, like a massive hangout, and honestly much preferred over an ear-piercing basement party.

Once they were done talking, I leaned over. "I forgot to tell you, that was a great game."

Jayce's eyes lit up. "Well, thanks. You didn't peg me as a baseball fan."

"She wanted to watch Elijah," Lucy slurred.

The mentioning of his name made me shift my eyes around the room. "And you, Brant and Aiden, of course. The entire team. Woo! Go Trumbullen Lions!" I added and pumped my fists in the air.

He didn't seem phased by Lucy's comment or mine. Soon enough, he embraced another friend as I turned to my own, narrowing my eyes. Lucy batted her lashes, tilting her head down like a puppy dog, which made her black bob sway. "What?" Her voice was sweet.

"No wing-woman action tonight, okay?" She tilted her head further. "I'm serious. Just have fun." She threw her hands up in defense.

As much as I loved her, I did not need her hooking me up with any players.

After what felt like an eternity of greeting people, we reached the patio and Jayce paused before opening the back door. Vibration tickled my feet, and I noted muffled singing coming from somewhere I couldn't see.

"Since it's your first baseball party, you have to be initiated," he said.

People wooed around him and my skin grew hot.

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