Stefan- Augustine Vamp

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Request: could you do one where Stefans a Augustine vampire and Wes does terrible things to him and Damon saves him and kill Wes for hurting Stefan. Then he brings him home and comforts him ... after a time Stefans gets nightmare for it and Damon has to make it better?

Background story: Stefans POV

My eyes are hurting... I can't feel my entire body... everything hurts. I've been here since an eternity... that's how it feels like, I can't look at the clock.. i can't see anything!!

Damy.. where are you ?? Did he notice that I'm gone ? Or does he think that I'm staying by a friend or something? I hope he knows that something is wrong...
UHG.. shouldn't have helped that old lady.. it was a trick !!! Ugh... I'm sooo dumb..

,, So Stefan... now let's have a look at your heart." Wes tells me,
Now that I can see a bit.. I saw how he holds a scalpel, he goes down and began to cut my chest off.
,, NO PLEASE !!!! JUST LET ME GO HOME !! just let me home..." I screamed and cried at the same time..
I screamed out in pain..

The only thing I heard was how Wes screamed at pain. Then I heard it.. Damon's voice..

,, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BROTHER !!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY BROTHER !!!" he screamed. I didn't felt something or heard something but I only think I knew before I past away is how Damon picked me up and shushed me.

Damon's POV
My poor baby brother.. I'm now at home and Stefans laying now on the couch. I feel so guilty.. I should have noticed it earlier. I made him a warm glass with blood so he could get his strength back. I felt how Stefans going to wake up. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

,, Hey Stef, come here.." I said to him and opened my arms for him to hug me. He didn't waited, he "fall" into m arms and cried into my chest. I stocked his hair and kissed his head and face multiple times.

,, oh Stef... I'm so so sorry.. I promise you, I will never let anything happen to you. Shhh I'm here.." I tried to come him down.
,, Wes *hiccup* will come * hiccup* and hurt me again * hiccup* " he cried
,, No, your big brother killed the bad man.. remember? Even if he comes back.. your big brother will chase him away and hurting him again, for hurting my baby brother." I kissed his head.

After a time he finally came down a bit, I decided to put on a movie. I let him decide what.. of course he chose ,, Lilo&Stitch" that's one of his favorite movies. After the movie he's falling asleep.

I hope he gets better..

Damon's POV

* present day*

I have a meeting today.. but I can't take Stefan with me. So I had to call Alaric, he's going to watch over Stefan the next hours. I felt bad because after what happened to Stefan, he had nightmares. So he slept with me in my bed..
The next past days he didn't had any nightmares so I thought his time he wouldn't have any.

I'm laying down next to Stefan. I already put him into sleep, I draw some stuff on his back. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I got up, walked to the door and opened it.

,, Hey Ric." ,, Hey Damon, where's Stefan ?" he asked me .
,, shhh I already put him into sleep. I kinda feel bad because I have to leave him." I told Alaric while we walked to my room.
,, but you shouldn't Damon. Like you told me, Stefan didn't had a nightmare the past days and besides look how peaceful he sleeps. You have an important meeting and You can't be always there for him.. he needs to learn that and you too buddy." he told me.

I sat on my bed, I hold Stefans hand lightly messaging it with my thumb.
,, I know Ric. You can talk easily. You don't have a little Brother, uh, I know That I can't be there for him 24/7 but when I leave him, it just feels terrible.. I basically raised him Ric. I'm just scared, what is if he gets another nightmare and I'm not here, he would be soo scared."
,, I know buddy, but if he gets one then I'll be there and calling you okay ?" Alaric told me with a smile on his face
,, Okay see you later.... Good night baby brother, your big brother loves you." I told Stefan, then I kissed his cheek.

2 hours later

I was at the meeting. Suddenly my phone rings.. I looked up and saw that it was Alaric.. oh no..
,, excuse me please. My little brother is alone at home. May I excuse?" they nodded at me.
I thanked them.
,, Hey Buddy, how you're doing ?" he asked me nervously. I heard screaming and crying in the background.
,, Alaric? What's going on ?"
,, nothing.. everything's fine."
I heard someone screaming my name in the background not only someone...Stefan....

,, Ric, is That Stefan ?!" I asked him seriously.
,, okay yes. He woke up, he had a nightmare and he saw that you weren't here so he went crazy... he locked himself in your bathroom and won't come out."
,, I'm coming. Hold on."

I went to the misters and told them that I have to go.
,, Alaric give me Stefan please." I asked him while I got into the car.
Alaric placed the phone on the door. Since he's still locked up.

,, Hey Steffy. Your big brother is coming okay ?"
,, D-Damie?" he cried
,, Yes I'm on my way okay ?"

After 5 mins of driving I finally got home. I drove fast.
He run into my room and sat next to my bathroom door.

,, hey Stefan. I'm here. You can come out.." I said smoothly.
I heard how the door got unlocked. Then he came up to me right into my arms.
,, aww Stefan. You had a nightmare? Would you tell me, what the nightmare was about?"
,, Aua..." he cried. I frown confused. Then he Loft his hand up and showed me that he has stuck splinters in his hand. I looked into my bathroom and saw that the mirror is broken.
,, Ahh Stefan. Come here, I'll make the Au-Au disappear.." I told him and kissed his wet cheek.
I asked Alaric if he could get the first aid kit, 2 minutes he came back with the aid kit.

It took me 15 minutes to take the pieces out. Well, that's because I comfort Stefan a lot. I couldn't help myself, his tears broke me into a hundert pieces.
I sat on my bed with Stefan in my arms.

,, Stef, come on we're trying to go back to sleep okay?" I question him
,, I'm not tired.." he whispered to me.
Then I had an idea
,, are you hunger ? What do you think, if we drive to McDonald's and just get some food?" I asked him .
,, YES !! But I want to be in your arms.." he looks down.
,, and if we take Alaric with us ? He drives and we sat next to him, so you could be in my arms."
He nodded, he smiled at me.

We drove to McDonald's while Stefan was in my arms. I took a blanket and covered Stefan with it.
We ate the food and I messaged Ric
,, could we drive a little while ? Stefan will fall asleep after a while."
Ric : ,, yeah of course buddy ."

So we drove to another town
,, Damon, where are we going?" he asked me scared
,, Alaric's just visit a friend, but only for 10 minutes. Okay little one?"
He nodded and put his head down on my chest again.
Of course it was a lie but it worked cuz after 1 hours. Stefan was finally asleep.

At home, we laid down in bed and cuddled.
He didn't got a nightmare for the rest of the night. I really hope he don't gets more..
my poor Stefan. But you don't have to worry, your big brother will always protect you.

Hey guys 💃
I FINALLY finished this chapter and I'm a bit proud of me 🥰 I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope y'all had an amazing day 🥰
Keep requesting.
With love A ❤️‍🔥

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