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Anyways here is the rewrite, yes I am going to die because I still have 1 more exam on monday but who the hell cares. The story still might be bad because it is still my first story(ik very good excuse). Also just before I start, I wanted to say that the vote will be entirely useless because I can't think of a way to add leaders later into the story. I will also alter history so that I will have an easier time writing. Also just to let u know that I suck at writing openings.

---Atlantic Ocean---

It was a quiet day in the ocean, like any other day. With the Axis defeated, the world finally had peace. But this did not last long because the US and Soviets are in a war, a very cold one. I am the captain of the ship, USS Enterprise CVN-65. I won many battles in the pacific theatre against the Japanese. I had a lot of fun since I was able to command units into battle, but right now, i'm just like a fruit bat on a hot day. I was bored out of my life. I mostly sat on my ship and day dream all day.


VC(Vice captain): Hey captain, wake up.

Me: Just let me sleep. I haven't had rest all day and the only thing I have done is sitting in this ship and doing paper work all day.

VC: Well you should probably bring some books with you than. That should kill some time.

Me: No, those are boring as well. Maybe I should just take a day off and visit my family. I haven't visited them since the second world war started.

VC: I see. Well my parents died a while ago in the war. They were both soldiers.






Me: What, you expecting me to say sorry?

VC: Uh, yes? Maybe?

Me: *chuckles* If you think I am those type of people, you are wrong......yeah anyways, sorry for your loss.

VC: Thanks.

As he said that, I smiled at him again and went back to sleep. Most of the sailors were fine with me sleeping since there really isn't anything to do right now. However, the only person that really cared was the vice captain.

VC: My god, what if the admiral sees you like this right now. You would probably get scolded for atleast a day.

Me: So what, I don't care about that old man. It would be a whole lot better if I get demoted actually. That just means that I could rise through the ranks again and get a reputation.


Suddenly, the ship started to shake violently and it began to tilt to the side. I quickly ran to the control room and spoked with a high voice that made some of the sailors flinch.

Me: What the hell was that! If it was an enemy ship than you all are getting a scolding from me for a week!

Officer1: Sir, we didn't see any ships on our radars. We asked USS Long Beach but they said they also didn't see anything.

Me: Tch! Was there any damage because this ship is tilting!

Officer2: Sir, I have the damage report. There are a lot of fires on the lower deck. Some sectors were completely flooded and the damaged areas are too wide, we can't repair the ship. I would say that the ship would sink in about 3 minutes or shorter.

Azur lane: CVN 65Where stories live. Discover now