She gives me a huge grin I didn't know she could pull and starts an off-key version of the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song. I place her down on the couch and switch on our flat screen.

"I like you, Wen," she says, her eyes glued to the screen. "You can call me Ever."

I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips. Or the ache in my chest. A few episodes later, I'm sitting on the couch next to Ever, completing an assignment. She laughs at something happening on the screen, her newly added wings dipping.

"Ever." A thought comes to mind. "Can you sit here for a moment while I go get something quickly?"

She nods as I rise from the couch. Upstairs in my room, I find a tiny, fragile-looking bracelet, small enough to fit perfectly on Ever's wrist. I found it at the beginning of the summer break while cleaning out my room, and I knew the bracelet would no longer fit me, but I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. Then, that stupid doorbell blares again. It's probably Victoria back to pick her up. Then again, it might not be . . .

"Ever!" I call out. "Don't open the—"

But by the time I'm at the bottom of the flight of narrow stairs, I hear voices.

Too late.

Both sound familiar. One belongs to Ever. The other is deeper. That is . . . not Victoria. Unless, you know, she got a voice box implant on the way back. Peeking from the hallway, I can just make out Ever in her dress and fairy wings. She stares up with absolute adoration at a boy.

"All right, Ev," he says. "Cough it up. I know you're only acting like an angel 'cause you've been bribed." He yanks the fairy wings on her back. "And what's with the wings?"

"Don't touch them!" Ever exclaims, swatting his hand away. "I like Wen. She's really nice to me. She gives me popcorn, and fairy wings, and she lets me watch SpongeBob. And she's pretty. And I really like popcorn."

I bite back a smile at the ringing endorsement, and decide to come out of hiding. But the smile drains from my face when I realize who the guy is. Eyes widening, I freeze.

It's Asher Reed—and he's staring back at me with equal curiosity. This time, I take in the dark-wash jeans and black long sleeve rolled up his forearms, revealing tanned skin. And I sense the cogs turning in his head while those deep-blue eyes don't hide his surprise. "Little Red?"

I glance uneasily at him. "You're Ever's . . ."

"Stuuupid brother!" Ever fills in for me.

"Watch it," Reed says, flicking his sister's forehead, ignoring her vibrant squeal of protest. When his eyes slide to mine, I avert my gaze quickly, fidgeting with the bracelet in my grasp. My plan to ignore him until the end of forever? It's already failed. Horribly.

"Ever." I clear my throat and hold out my hand. In my palm is the tiny pearl bracelet, just big enough to fit on her wrist. "This is for you, if you want. It used to be mine a long time ago."

Ever's eyes are glued to the bracelet. I take it as a good sign, so lean forward to fit the piece over her hand. Trying my best to ignore Reed's hard gaze, I focus on Ever as she immediately fiddles and gawks at her newfound trinket.

Reed sighs like this whole situation is nothing but an inconvenience to him. "Time to go, Ev."

She looks up at him with sleepy eyes and crossed brows. "But I wanna stay."

He shakes his head. "No can do, princess. Besides, you'll probably be back tomorrow."

Ever pouts with a hard-set look on her face that's meant to be intimidating but isn't, not really. Then she crawls into Reed's arms and up across his chest until she's settled on his shoulders. He holds on to her ankles, and when she tugs at his hair like Remy from Ratatouille, he doesn't protest.

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