ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13: ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴀɴ ᴏᴘʜᴛʜᴀʟᴍᴏʟᴏɢɪꜱᴛ.

Start from the beginning

"Now retinal damage is not uncommon. It's actually one of the most common ailments to the eye. Damage to the Retina can be caused by old age, trauma or in your case light damage. However serious damage of the Retina can end up causing blindness." I continued to explain.

"Since you constantly expose your eyes to very bright lights, especially with that mask of yours, it is to be expected that there would be some damage to your Retina. But I honestly did not expect that amount of damage. Prominence burn is probably the attack that causes the most damage to your eyes." I said while crossing my legs.

"Tell me Endeavor do you use any type of protection for your eyes?" I asked clasping my hands together.

"No, I suppose I don't." The pro Hero responded.

"Ah, that would explain it." I hummed.

"Explain what?" Endeavor asked.

"Why your eyes seem to suffer more damage than other heroes with flame quirks." I said getting up from the chair I was sitting on.

I squatted down in front of a bunch of drawers trying to find the right one. All the drawers had different labels indicating what was in them. After a bit of looking, I finally found the drawer I was looking for. I opened the drawer up and snatched one of the many small boxes that were stored inside it. I closed the drawer before standing up and walking back to my chair.

Endeavor only watched as I placed the tiny box on the desk. I sat down at the office chair again and looked at the Pro Hero in front of me.

"This should do the trick." I said with a small smile.

"And what is that exactly" Endeavor questioned.

"Contact lenses. Contact lenses specially developed to protect the eyes of people with fire quirks. Don't ask me how they work because that is not my department." I responded.

"Alright, so what do you do with them?" The flame hero asked me

"You plop them in your eyes before you go to work and then when you are done with the day you take them out and throw them in the garbage bin. The next day you plop in a new pair of contacts and repeat what you did the day before." I explained.

"And they are going to fix my problems?" Endeavor said with his usual rude tone.

'And we are back to the salty Endeavor, lovely.' I thought as I started the computer on the desk.

"They will fix some of your problems. These are the standard contact lenses; you might need some stronger lenses though. Be sure to contact whoever makes support gear for you since this technically falls under support gear after as it's literal protection." I sighed while typing away on the computer.

I opened the file titled Todoroki Enji and opened a sheet I was supposed to fill out every time I performed a check-up on a patient. I also needed to type in the name of the contacts into his medical file.

"What about the damage that's already there? It sounds like the contact lenses only prevent future damage." Endeavor stated.

"That is true. I can only fix the damage your eyes suffered recently. But I would suggest that you contact an ophthalmologist for further treatment. Ophthalmologist is just a fancy word for a doctor who specializes in eyes. They will probably also be able to give more insight into what is happening." I said while focusing on the screen in front of me.

"Would you like me to fix the damage I can do something about, or would you rather save the whole thing for the ophthalmologist?" I asked looking at Endeavour.

Endeavor did not say anything. He just stared at me probably thinking about whether he should say yes or no. You would think a person would immediately say yes to get an injury fixed even if it is just some of it. But it is not uncommon for a person to wait to get it all fixed in one go. It is mostly Pro Heroes that wait and get everything fixed together. Why that is, is one of the universes many questions.

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