Chapter 4: The Welcoming

Start from the beginning

Taehyung had a hard time trying to look away from Jungkook.

They called him Kookie... The same guy who just snapped his finger to deal with opponents effortlessly, was shy, soft and called 'Kookie' by his friends. It was so funny and sweet Taehyung couldn't suppress his smile.

Jimin nudged Tae with his elbow, because Yoongi was waiting for an answer.

'Oh, my power...', Tae cleared his throat. He was nervous to admit what his power was.

'It's ok', Jin said calmly. 'Just say it...'

'I can... read minds... and control them...'

'Wow', Yoongi was impressed. 'You have one bitch of a power there...'

'Isn't it really hard?', asked Namjoon.

'It is easier when I touch someone... But taking control over someone's mind is really hard. Especially with magical creatures. The mind barriers are hard to go through... But I actually don't use it...'

'And he doesn't talk about it...', added Jimin. 'He always keeps it a secret....'

'Why?', asked Yoongi.

'People tend to get really scared when someone can read their mind', Taehyung said quietly. 'I promise I won't use it against you...'

'We didn't ask', said Jungkook. 'It's obvious...'

Taehyung looked at him immediately. He didn't know why he was so tuned to this guy...

'Yeah. Don't worry', calmed Namjoon. 'Jin said that You are brothers...'

'We were adopted together,' Jimin smiled. 'But we knew each other from the time we were four... So, yeah we are indoughtly brothers.'

'Brothers are great', Hoseok smiled and pointed at Soobin. 'This is my younger brother, Prince Soobin. He is 15. And my youngest brother Prince Jungwon. He is 8. They need to call you 'hyungs' at home. And don't call them princes... '

'Yeah, we don't like it', pouted Jungwon.

Jimin smiled softly at his cuteness.

'Don't give them sweets after 8 pm. And don't play with them in the gameroom on weekdays, no matter how hard they will beg...', added Jin.

'JIN-Hyung!', whined Jungwon.

'And don't get tricked in doing their homework', said Jungkook, looking at the boys sternly.

'Traitor', mumbled Soobin.

'Got it!', laughed Taehyung. His deep, smooth voice filled the library and next thing he knew, he was looking right in the brown eyes again.

Jungkook couldn't stop staring at Taehyung. He was certain that this guy was the most beautiful being on earth. He blinked himself to reality when Hoseok asked Namjoon to officially introduce himself.

'I'm the leader of the pack. I'm Hoseok's business advisor and also the guy responsible for electronic devices here... My power is...'

'Destroying everything he touches except his computer and Jin...', interrupted Yoongi. 'Well... maybe he sometimes destroys Jin too...'

'Shut up, dumbass! There are childrens here!', shouted Jin, covering Jungwon's ears.

Namjoon cleared his throat and continued:

'My power is plant controlling.', he waved his hand and the palm in the flowerpot started to spread its leaves, like it was alive. 'Something like that,' he shrugged. 'Jin is the caretaker of the household and he is Hoseok's second assistant.'

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