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I followed Bella's intense gaze to a group of people currently walking into the cafeteria in pairs.

"Who are they?"Bella asked, she was clearly intrigued. I continued to stare at the group along with the rest of the table.
"The Cullens"Angela answered smiling dreamily.

"They're Um doctor and mrs cullens foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska
a few years ago"Jessica explained.
"They kind of keep to themselves"Angela stated looking down at her food.

"Yeah cuz there all together. like, together. Together"Jessica added scoffing

  "The blonde girl that's Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy is Emmet they're like a thing"

Angela said pointing out a really buff dude that had black hair and a smirk on his face as he placed his arm around the shorter blonde-haired girl whose looks were like something out of a storybook.

"I'm not even sure that's legal"Jessica said. I rolled my eyes at her chuckling
"But they aren't actually related right"I said
Angela nodded "No they're not"  Angela answered my question, as I looked at her relived.

"Yeah, but they live together, It's weird," Jessica said pausing to look at the group again as two more people entered the building.

"okay the little dark haired girls Alice, she's really weird. And she's with the blonde haired one jasper who looks like he's in pain, so Dr.Cullen's like this foster dad/match maker." Jessica explained giggling a bit as she added the last bit
"Maybe he'll adopt me"Angela said humorously and tilted her head resting it on her hand in bashfulness.
But as I looked at the group more she missed one Cullen he had dark brown almost black hair with streaks of golden brown littered throughout it and was incredibly pale just like the rest of his adoptive siblings his eyes looked black but had a yellow tint to them as he looked out the window where the light reflected just a bit off his eyes making them shine.
"Who's he"Bella asked her gaze focused on the unknown boy.

Bella was clearly awestruck by him her eyes showed a sort of longing mixed with a bit of admiration, but you couldn't help to be drawn to him he was almost glowing and everything about him drew you in like it wasn't designed to do so.

"Oh that's Edward Cullen, he's totally gorgeous, obviously. but apparently, no one here's good enough for him. Like I care, you know? So, yeah seriously don't waste your time" Jessica said the last part wasn't very convincing though.
"Wasn't planning on it"  Bella said her gaze rested on Edward for a moment before she turned her attention back to the table shaking her head softly
After school Bella, dad, and I went to the diner just like we did when we were kids
"I just can't get over how grown up you girls are, and so gorgeous."
The waitress said putting the food down in front of us
"Hey girls, You remember me? I played Santa one year" a random guy said
"Yeah, Waylon, they haven't spent Christmas since they were Bella was four, and violet two," Dad said.
"Bet I made an impression though," Waylon said with a smile, if I'm being honest he did look familiar
"You always do"Dad agreed shaking his head and looking at his steak
Bella laughed softly "Butt-crack Santa?" Bella mused bringing up the old memory. I laughed a bit flicking my gaze between Bella and Waylon 

"Hey, kids love those little bottles, though"
Waylon said to the waitress
"Alright let the girls eat their garden burgers, Waylon."
The waitress said pushing Waylon away and turning back to Bella
"As soon as you're done I will bring you your favorite. Berry cobbler remember? Your dad still has it, Every Thursday."
The waitress said to Bella patting the table slightly
"Thank you. That would be great"
Bella said nodding at the waitress
I was sitting on my bed reading when my phone started to ring
I answered as I didn't recognize the number
"Hey baby how are things"
My mom's voice said from the other line
"They're not too bad," I said smiling and closing my book with a slam. 
"Hey I have good news if spring training goes well we could be moving to Florida" Mom said
"Woah that's great mom how soon would you think" I asked biting my lip
"I'm assuming by the end of this school year if everything goes as planned"
I was about to speak when I heard an automated voice 

"please insert a dollar twenty-five for an additional three minutes"

I chuckled " where's your cell mom?"
"Don't laugh, So I didn't lose the power cord it ran away, I literally repel technology now"mom said from the other line I laughed at her she joined me from the other line 
"I could have figured that much," I said She chuckled slightly
"I miss you," I said my voice now soft.
"Aww honey I miss you too, but tell me about your school, are the kids nice, any cute boys or girls" she asked
"Hmm" I hummed in deep thought, there was one but.
"Not really if I'm being honest, the kids are. okay"I hesitated
"Are they being nice to you?" mom asked
"Yeah there fine nobody has been mean yet but it Doesn't really matter anyway,"I said
"Yes it does, honey" she said. 
"Thanks for caring mom, but it's getting late and I have school tomorrow, so talk to you soon?" I said glancing at the time
"Of course, okay honey I love you" Mom said
"Bye mum love you too" I muttered and hung up
Sorry for the short chapter loves
Things will get more interesting soon I promise

Word count: 643

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