It was all in a mere second, where a gasp escaped his quivering lips as soon as the sight of a thick, long, wooden stick that was hanging from the broken door,

was now penetrated swiftly right into Harry's chest. Turns out he fell back right into that stake, not intentionally.

It was as if time had just stopped for the blonde. A thousand million thoughts burning through his head, each one demanding to do something different. The only thing keeping him from worrying too much was just,

pure denial, as always.

He kept brushing away the possibility that the boy he loved was now dead, convincing himself that he'll fix it right after he makes it up to him, and that is by taking revenge.

And with a swift moment, his focus switched onto who did this; nothing in this world could explain the amount of pure vindictiveness that was flowing through his veins and entire body at that moment.

However he didn't get to project his rage properly onto them all as the three other wizards immediately apparated and disappeared, most likely due to fear, one after the other.

Expect one. Lucien.

Draco did not think twice about ripping his little head off but as he walked rapidly towards him, the green eyed Slytherin motioned him to pause, as if he wanted to speak something first. Malfoy clearly had no time for chatter, he just needed the git dead right below his feet for what he and his puppets just did.

A punch after a punch, Draco didn't need magic to kill someone and he knows it.

He watched the satisfaction of the blood starting to drip from the boy's nose, all the way down to his teeth and lips. He was just too fast for Lucien to even hit back, and that fact made him grin like a maniac.

He didn't care if had just lost control, all he could hear were groans and repetitive coughs. Draco let go for a moment, breathing so heavy his chest began levitating, and as he stopped, he watched Lucien fall down to his knees, still conscious since he had the audacity to chuckle briefly with a smile that showed his disgusting bloody teeth.

And with that, Draco leaned down slightly so that he was grabbing the hurt wizard by his collar. "Y'know you can keep laughing all you want, De Martel, but let's just see how long that'll last once you find yourself dead under my fucking feet."

"Go ahead. Kill me, Malfoy. Pile me up over his dead body. But you better hurry though, looks like someone over there's loosing a little too much blood." He sneered, referring to Harry, knowing that he'd just driven Draco to the edge since he got punched so hard he lost balance, falling to his back, but still not unconscious yet.

Draco bent down to quite his level, "I find it pretty fucking pathetic how you think you could've become like your daddy." He whispered, a diabolic smirk plastered upon his lips. "You're mortal, buddy. Get over it."

And with those words, he effortlessly pulled Lucien's wand from his fingers and now held it between his, playfully twisting it around. "That's a fancy wand you got there." He muttered to himself.

"Oh just do it. Finish me off with my own fucking wand. Get it over with" De Martel spoke, not even bothering to snatch it back or fight for his life. "At least I'll die knowing that you'll have to suffer from the undying guilt that'll stay with you for the rest of your miserable life now that the only light in it has faded right in front you,

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