Chapter 53: Crisis on Infinite Earths Finale

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Naruto stood on the balcony of S.T.A.R. Labs, looking over the city, "Drink?' Kara asked with a glass of alien booze

Naruto took the bottle and chucked it off the balcony, "Hey?!" Kara asked

"I know your driving for your Earth, but we need to be focused on the mission."

*My entire universe was just wiped out by a wave of antimatter, how do we fight something that can do that?" Kara asked

Naruto leaned over and bumped his shoulder into Kara's, "Together." He said

"If we lose?" Kara asked

*We'll still be together." Naruto smiled which Kara returned as they rested their foreheads against each other before she nodded

"Your right. It feels like giving up. We managed to get billions of people to safety. There has to be a way we can undo this.

My mom, Argo, Earth ugh all those Earths, all those people who vanished. There has to be a way we can get them back."

"We will find a way to bring them back and to stopping this from happening to every other universe." Naruto said

"I've missed you." Kara smiled which Naruto returned

*I've missed you too. There's a lot we should talk about but after this."

Kara nodded before they vanished in a white flash and found themselves on the Waverider, with everyone else

The Monitor and Harbinger appeared looking at the heroes plus the baby and Lois, "Oliver isn't here." Barry frowned walking up to Naruto and Kara

"A being has seen fit for Oliver to become his successor he is training to help fight this threat." The Monitor said drawing frowns from everyone, "You have suffered a horrible loss, but you have every reason not to lose hope, 8, in fact. Across space and time-" baby Jonathan began crying so Clark handed him off to Lois, "Across space and time exist, 8 heroes, beings of the purest will who can ultimately, " Johnathan continued crying so Lois handed him to Kara, "Beings of the purest will who can ultimately-" the baby continued to cry so Kara tried to give him to Kate who shook her head so Naruto created a clone that took the baby and began to leave as the clone made funny faces causing the toddler to laugh

"Beings of the purest will, who can ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor and help save the multiverse. They are known as Paragons."

"Paragons? And you're just dropping this on us now?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"I only recently learned of their existence by consulting "The Book of Destiny." Monitor said

"How? We destroyed it last year." Kara asked before The Monitor waved a hand and a 3D hologram of the book appeared briefly

"After Oliver's near demise, I went back into the time stream and retrieved it intact. It is now safely stored in this ship's library." Monitor said

"So it's what, plan "B"? That's comforting." Barry said

"You would think for some all-powerful being you'd have helped out more before this so we could prepare to have your paragons already together, instead you've popped around the multiverse randomly and gave vague descriptions on what the hell was going on. If the book can rewrite destiny, can it bring back Earth-38 or any of the other Earths?" Naruto asked

"Trying to re-create an entire world would surely drive one to madness. I wish I could help more but as the Anti-Monitor gets stronger, I grow weaker. We must find all 8 Paragons."

"How about, like, a hint?" Kate asked

"I have 4. Kara Zor-El, despite all you have endured, you are the Paragon of Hope."

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