Chapter 49: Nora

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My name is Nora West-Allen, the fastest woman alive. When I'm from, 30 years from now, I'm the guardian of Central City. I'm a speedster, just like my dad. People call me XS. Every day, I hope to live up to the legacy of The Flash But I've still got a long way to go.'

Naruto's Home

Everyone was staring at Nora in shock, "You're saying you're our daughter?" Naruto asked causing Nora to nod,

"From the future?" Iris asked

"Named Nora?" Naruto asked softly causing Nora to look at him with a smile

"After your mother." Nora smiled as Naruto nodded slowly

"Anybody need a refill?" Cisco asked downing his glass, "No? Just me? Mm."

Cisco got up and refilled his glass

"Cisco Ramon, always cutting the tension with a joke." Nora said walking forward

"You know our names?" Cisco asked

"Of course. I know all of you. You're Momma Cait, Auntie Lin, Aunt Felicity, Helen Parr, Mama Cecile. Little Auntie Joanna. She's so cute. Big brother Dash, and Aunt Whitney." Nora listed as Dash laughed reaching for her

"Uh, and your nickname is XS?" Whitney asked getting a nod

"Clearly not my doing." Cisco said refilling his empty glass once again

"No, uh, it's a nickname that you gave me when I was a kid, Mom."

"Mom"?" Iris repeated in shock

"You said I did everything in excess. Guess I've always been like that. Overdoing things, getting in way over my head. Like, uh, recently."

"This mistake that you made?" Naruto asked

"Big mistake."

"Which was.." Naruto trailed off

"Helping you save the city by destroying the Uzumaki Labs satellite last night." Nora said sheepishly

"You were the other speedster?" Naruto asked getting a nod

"I just couldn't stop myself from getting involved. But something happened when I did, because now, I can't seem to go fast enough to open up the Speed Force." Nora said

"Par pardon me. Are we talking about actual time travel here?" Helen asked

"Pretty sure we mentioned that." Linda said

"No, nobody said bubkes about time travel." Helen replied before Joanna began to cry

"Shh, shh, shh." Cecile shushed as she began to rock the baby

'Come on, Helen. You're scaring the baby."

"No, no, she's not scared. She just said she's hungry." Cecile said before she looked to the others, "Uh, I just heard her like clear as day! I heard her! I read her mind!

Cecile walked off happy to have powers that can help her be the best mom ever

"I'm sorry. I know how bizarre this must seem, meeting your daughter from the future as an adult. But really, this wasn't my plan at all, but I'm kind of stuck here now, and you're the only people who can help me. So anybody know what to do?" Nora asked

Later, Uzumaki Labs, Speed Lab

Naruto, and Iris watched as Nora raced around the track, "This is so, so weird." Naruto said

"Yeah, I mean, I can't believe that's our daughter up there." Iris smiled looking to Naruto who was frowning, "We're meeting our daughter for the first time, Nate."

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