Circle Pits, Walls of Death and More Moshing

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Day three of the slam metal festival and I can tell you right now my body feels like absolutely trash, but I'm keen to get it done with the help of drugs one last time.

Rolling over to get a drink of water, I'm about to head back to sleep when the alarm goes off and Liam's groaning at me to turn it off and come back to bed.

"Come on Liam, time to get up." I croak out of my still dry throat, the day already hot and knowing it's going to be a scorcher the more I ponder on it with my hand wiping away the sweat already making its way down the side of my temple.

So lathering myself up as well as Liam up in sunscreen, we hit the road after having our annual pick me up to get us going.

With the campsite packed up and left as if we weren't there, I say a silent goodbye to the surreal area nature has to offer for us and watch the place become small in the review mirror.

Rushing through the line and buying some more merch then storing it in the merch tent, we head to the stage and wait for not only the drugs to kick in but the band to come on.

"Come ooon hurry up! I just want to hear what these guys are like!" Liam complains in annoyance when the suspense becomes too much for him.

"I know does anyone know who those guys are?" I question with a scrunched up face as I scan the equally confused faces of my mates around me.

"Alright so that's a no, I guess we just have to wait and see." and as soon as I say that the band comes walking on and the crowd go wild.

"Hey everyone we're Apoptosis Gutrectomy and this is our song Putrefaction!" Julianus Fadhil announces over the hysterical crowd, the band playing a few more songs I didn't get the names of before they are calling up the next gig to come on stage.

"So did everyone enjoy those fucks!" Marc Thomae yells and the crowd goes wild once again.

"Good because you're about to have your mind's fucking blown. We are Bleeding Heaven and this, is, EIGHT, KIIIINGSSS!" he growls into the mic and the band instantly starts.

"Fuck these cunts can put on a show!" Mitch shouts over the crowd, those listening agreeing while the others are too busy losing their shit.

The song is over quicker than I thought and discover that after a few more it's time for Arthropodal Humanicide to come on, another band I don't know yet Amelia and Blair do.

"Well this is going to be interesting then." I giggle when we decide to stay for one more set then head off for more speed.

"You don't say, I can sit back and watch them go nuts now." Noah laughs whilst the band come out and announce that they'll be starting off with a song called Necrotic Visceral Loxoscelic Bite, Amelia and Blair screaming their fucking lungs out as soon as the instruments start and they're belting out the lyrics word for word.

Laughing when the two look at each other and grab a hold of one another in some way as they scream the lyrics in each other's faces, the people around laugh and comments that they must be diehard fans of this band with random people joining in and agreeing as well.

Yahooing and carrying on with the new friends we've made in the set of Arthropodal Humanicide, the next band Blistering Defilement is next to walk on stage and it's time for Liam and Dalton to have their time to shine.

Making more friends during the song Skinned Masterpiece, we jam out to a few others before witnessing the band stumble off the stage from the heat and exhaustion of playing such a heavy set.

Hoping the sun goes down soon, another band rocks the stage under the name of Asphyxiate, the breakdowns sounding as tasty as ever, their songs Blood Feast Ripping Putrescent and Sickening Canvas of the Dead sticking with me throughout the whole set up until the second last band of two yet again is welcomed on stage and that's when it kicks in.

Cannibalistic (Book Two of A Bloodline's Saga)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें