Birthday and Drugs

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Cracking my eyes open to my tent being shaken and "happy birthday" being sung all around, Liam and I are quick to throw some clothes on and tell them they can come in.

The first thing that comes to my head are the events from last night, the way Liam and I kept trying only he couldn't get it hard enough to go in. So we stuck to teasing each other before passing out and now the rest you know.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DICKFACE!" Amelia shouts while throwing herself onto us, my mind knowing instantly that she hasn't slept at all and wonder if she will even make it through tonight or even tomorrow.

Looking at the drained yet energetic faces of my other fellow friends, I hope if they too have slept or were up all night also trying to be quiet yet get laid at the same time.

"Thanks guys, you didn't have to." I croak out with a chuckle and itch the back of my head when presents are thrown my way.

Finding that everyone has put in to get me a shirt from each of the bands that we saw yesterday, I give them all an awkward hug considering the size of the tent, Liam and I finally making our way out until having something to eat for the first time in a while.

"Even if you're not hungry just eat, you will need it trust me." Liam states when we start slapping some sandwiches and whatnot together to go around, everyone taking one and slowly forcing it down until an hour or so later we're busting out more drinks for those who can stand the sight of alcohol.

Me on the other hand am waiting this one out though Liam is having a good old time drinking again, my mind wondering how the fuck he can do that only I'm distracted by Amelia and Blair laughing away and having their own conversation.

Heading over and taking a seat with them, they greet me before filling me in that Amelia and Noah finally got together last night and actually had sex instead of foreplay like usual.

Blair is happy to announce that she's happy her and Mitch have decided to not be so awkward towards one another, meaning she's pretty open about what they did last night and I'm starting to get a little jealous that Liam wasn't able to.

Like don't get me wrong it was good and all, I just don't understand how the other guys could and he couldn't.

With my brain starting to tick away with thoughts of him maybe not liking me as much as he thought he did and was using the drugs as an excuse, I start to feel my feelings towards him change a little though not much considering I can't really go off some random thought.

So keeping it in the back of my mind for now, I clear it in favour of having a good birthday, my phone buzzing in my pocket helping me further to pull me out of my shitty thoughts to see it's Mum calling.

"Hey Mum."

"Happy birthday Ida!"

"Thanks Mum, thanks Dad!"

"You're alright sweetie how's everything going?"

"Good Mum, just woke up actually and are taking things slow. We had a bit of a big one last night."

"See I told you!"

"Thanks Dad."

"No but its good you're having fun, you feeling homesick still?"

Remembering the texts I was sending her on the way up to the festival as well as some of the random ones during that had her and Dad laughing and wondering if I was more than drunk, I blush a little but keep my mind from wandering too far down memory lane.

"I always will be but I'm having fun to keep me distracted for now."

"That's good to hear, well your father and I won't keep you long but we love you and remember, stay safe and ring us if you need anything. Also keep me updated on anything."

Cannibalistic (Book Two of A Bloodline's Saga)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ