Birthday and Drugs: Part II

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Arriving and feeling the wait in line a lot shorter than I last remember, we're instantly waved through after showing them our wrist bands and head straight for the section where they're handing out alcoholic drinks.

Of course I see my friend at the gates from yesterday who gave me the wristband stating I'm of age to drink and lose myself in a small conversation with her once again, my friends saving the poor girl from me when Mr Cross is sighted and we're now bombarding him.

"Ah so I eventually find you guys, I hope you're all staying out of trouble." he chuckles after laughing at the fact that some of his students are off of their heads in front of him right now.

"Of course." I answer for them all and instantly he reminds himself that it is my birthday.

"So big eighteen huh? Well I hope you guys are behaving yourselves as well as looking after one another, I don't want to go back on the school on Monday and find that one of you are in hospital." he goes on then earning another round of laughs from us.

"Alright Mr Cross we better let you go, it sounds like your mates are calling for you." Mitch pipes up when our quick goodbyes and hugs are over.

"No worries see you at school!" he laughs until he joins his screaming crew yet again of thirty year old men acting as if they're our age and to be honest, it's funny seeing a teacher let their hair down, it really shows what type of person they really are behind the mask of seriousness.

"Everyone got water?" Mitch double checks with everyone once Mr Cross is well and truly gone, all giving him a nod and declaring that it's time to hit the merch section for themselves this time and not for me.

"Ooo guys look, they have band bracelets, let's all get one for one another!" Amelia squeals in delight and earns a few laughs from us.

"Sure let's all pick." Blair chuckles then chooses one for Mitch and slowly works her way down the list of people in our group.

Once we're all done and have given the guy his money, we all look at the silicon bands crowding our wrists and think that it has been a lifelong dream to have this many.

"Are we all good and ready to start making our way to the stage?" Beau asks when exiting the merch tents and walking around with a heap of shit in our arms.

"Yeah but I think we should at least put some of our stuff in the bag holding tents and grab it after the show." Dalton suggests whilst on our way to where an entire crowd of people are swarming to right now.

"Good call, the line won't be long there." Esther adds and with that we're on our way to the bag holding tent, the line smaller than we thought and instantly we're giving the people our details in case our shit goes missing and whatnot.

"What about the drugs?" I whisper to Liam when we're walking away arms free to do whatever we want now and catch the large mass of people I thought would have bet us to the line, finally making it and observe as it only gets bigger.

"I've got them in my pocket, I don't put that shit in my bag unless we're leaving for home." he assures me as we make our way through the throng of people to be as close as possible to the front.

"That's good to know." I chuckle nervously then feel the unmistakable rush from the MD kicking in and I'm amped up once again for a good time.

"Yep and it's kicked in." I giggle seconds later to Liam who only laughs when he sees the size of my pupils.

"I know it has because so has mine." he grins before lacing his fingers in with mine and leading us a little further into the crowd.

"What's going on Australia!" a brutal looking man named Tato yells as he makes his way on stage, his other band mate Chris already set up and keen to smash out their set.

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