Star Trek Union - Chapter 1

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NOTE: I apologize for any formatting issues. Text transfers from MSword to Wattpad tend to cause problems.




Stardate 44427.6 - Nine years earlier.

            I take a deep breath. Been dreading this moment. “I’m sorry I had to keep you all in the dark. I didn’t have a choice.”

            Commander Burton pulls on his uniform, straightening it and shifting in his seat. He glances at the rest of our bridge crew from across the conference room table. “No…no problem, captain. We’ve been concerned. Naturally.”

      I nod. “I know, commander. I can understand that. I’m usually crystal clear ‘bout mission parameters.”

            “But this time…”

            I interrupt. “This time things are different. Things aren’t what they seem. We can’t wait for Starfleet Command to sit around and think of a strategy. We’ve had to act quickly in the best interest of the Federation. That’s this ship’s mission at all times.”

          Burton sighs, his gaze down to the table’s surface. “Captain, why are we in Cardassian space? Why did we destroy this station? It’s an act of war, sir.”

        “No, we’re out here to prevent war, commander.” I look at the faces of my officers. “The Cardassians are arming again. This wasn’t a science station. It was a military supply port.”

            Everyone’s eyes widen. They each sit up.

            “Have we received intelligence from Starfleet?” asks Burton.

            “From a Ferengi arms merchant,” I say. “A week ago, when we were at Starbase 211.”

          Burton shakes his head. “A Ferengi merchant? Captain, that’s not actionable intelligence. Starfleet would’ve never authorized us to--”

            “That Ferengi admitted to selling the Cardassians three tons of bio-mimetic gel, ten thousand class-A photon torpedo warheads, and enough type I disruptor cores to put rifles in the hands of a quarter million infantry.”

            “I apologize for my skepticism, captain, but why would he reveal that? The Ferengi protect their customers’ privacy. It’s good business.”

          My smile reaches from ear to ear. “Funny how the Rules of Acquisition fade when there’s a phaser involved.”

            “Did you contact Starfleet, sir?”

            “No, commander, I didn’t, but they’ll find out soon enough. I’m not going to give the Cardassians any time to react. We’re taking the initiative ourselves. We’ll do as much damage as we can. The Cardassians will contact the Federation, complaining of a rogue starship. Starfleet will send someone after us. When they get here, we’ll show ‘em what’s really going on. The entire Federation will be spurred to action.”

            “We’ll need proof, captain. Actual proof.”

            “Commander, what the hell’s the point of a science station in this sector? There’s no scientific value in the Cuellar System.”

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