Dance, Dance Infiltration

Start from the beginning

Blake blushes heavily with a cute smile on her face.

Yang: Hey, Lovebirds!

We both look and see Yang at the entrance to the ballroom, Blake then tells me.

Blake: Sorry, but my first dance is already spoken for.

(Y/n): No problem. Just find me at the mini bar.

Syleveon and I head over to the mini bar where we start snacking and watching the guests on the dance floor.

Weiss: Ahem.

(Y/n): Oh, good evening Weiss. *slight bow*

Weiss: Good evening, (Y/n). You look handsome tonight.

(Y/n): Thank you, and you look beautiful tonight as well.

Weiss: Thank you. Is Blake not here?

(Y/n): Her first dance was already spoken for. *indicates Blake and Yang dancing*

Weiss: Oh, that's wonderful she made it. *light blush* Would you, care to dance with me for this song?

(Y/n): Sure. *extends hand*

Weiss takes my hand and we head out to the dance floor and start dancing to the music, Weiss had a big smile on her face but I could still tell she was sad about something.

(Y/n): *pulls Weiss close* Hey, are you alright?

Weiss: *blushes* Yes... *I cock an eyebrow* No. I had originally asked Neptune to the dance.

(Y/n): Ok. Did he say yes?

Weiss: *shakes her head no* He said dancing was lame.

I immediately start looking for Neptune as Weiss tells me the details, you make my friends sad, you have earned my wrath.

(A/N): End music here.

As the song ended, I led Weiss to a table and sat her down, she was on the verge of tears, so I wiped the tears away then turned to Sylveon.

(Y/n): Can you keep Weiss company for a moment?

Sylveon: *agreed*

I leave them to it and make my way through the dance floor and approach Neptune.

Neptune: 'Sup, (Y/n).

(Y/n): We need to talk, now.

Neptune hesitantly walks out to the outside balcony with me, I want so badly to punch him, but I restrain myself.

Neptune: I mean ballroom dancing, am I right? Cute girls though.

I turn around and grab the collar of his shirt with one hand and lift him off the ground.

Neptune: Whoa! Dude, what gives?!

(Y/n): Dancing is lame, huh?

Neptune: Well, yeah, but-

(Y/n): You hurt Weiss' feelings, all because you think you're too cool? I mean that is a special kind of stupidity.

Neptune: Look man I-

(Y/n): I mean did you even think about how Weiss feels about you or did you only think about your useless reputation?

Neptune: I can't dance!

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