
Wooyoung rushes off the bus, its almost noon and he wanted to be a bit early for the interview so he can make a good impression but he's going to end up there with a minute to spare, it doesn't really matter in the end as long as he's not late.

He double checks the location on his phone then heads into the huge building. Looking around in awe, Wooyoung almost misses the reception "Hi I have an interview soon, my name is Jung Wooyoung".

The lady at the reception smiles warmly "ah yes, you can go across the corridor and on your left is room 4, your interviewer will be waiting for you there".

He nods and thanks the lady, making his way to room 4. When he enters, its empty and Wooyoung wonders why the receptionist told him the interviewer is inside waiting for him. Maybe they needed to step out for a bit, is he late? He checks the time and its 12:00, letting out a sigh of relief, he assures himself that its not because he's late. He cant mess this up, this is a once in a life time opportunity, all journalists dream of having.

He just has no idea why he was chosen. As time passes Wooyoung grows concerned, he wonders why the interview is being held at a studio instead of the actual company building and something stirs in his stomach.

The feeling in his gut is an uneasy one, making him increasingly nervous. He decides to get up and ask someone, maybe the lady at the reception what was going on with his interview. Just as he was about to reach for the handle, it twists by itself and the door opens, leaving Wooyoung stood there frozen in front of it.

A man with a clean black suit enters the room, looking surprised at Wooyoung directly in front of him "You must be Jung Wooyoung? Apologies for the long wait, I had a meeting that ran over time. Take a seat over there and we'll get this interview started".

The two head over to the table and sit, Wooyoung slightly more nervous than he was before due to his unnecessary paranoia a minute ago. The man pulls out a laptop, getting something up and Wooyoung waits awkwardly. He tries not to show that he's nervous but it's definitely showing with the way he cant sit still.

Something about the room makes him uncomfortable, he keeps looking around all the walls, checking for spiders, a habit he's grown up with due to his fear of them. Then he glances at the door, then the tables and chairs, and the clock which ticks extremely loudly.

"Sorry for the late notice, we had another interviewee for today but they cancelled last minute and you were next on our list for this position". The man says, but Wooyoung can barely hear him.

He notices Wooyoung's nervous stance and smiles. "Apologies, I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Kim Juwon, I work as the manager of employment at Son&Lee Media".

A hand is held out for him to shake and Wooyoung quickly wipes his sweaty hands then shakes it. When he tries pulling away, the grip on his hand tightens, making him frown and look at the man in confusion.

Suddenly, he is being pulled forward and the last thing he sees is a cloth being held to his mouth and nose.

Wooyoung opens his eyes, but doesn't see anything. He tries closing then opening them again but he is met with darkness once again. His head is pounding so bad it makes him nauseous.

Holding in tears, he tries standing up, which is proving to be difficult as he feels like the world is spinning around him. He struggles to stand, legs wobbling and dizziness making him fall to the ground. He takes in deep breaths, trying not to panic because he knows it wont help him to get out of wherever he is.

Since he is unable to walk without falling, Wooyoung starts to crawl and feel around the walls, trying to find some sort of door. It doesn't take long as he soon learns that wherever he is is incredibly small. His breathing becomes heavier and his limp hands weakly turn the doorknob, of course, it doesn't open.

Wooyoung feels like he has no energy, lying down on his back and trying to catch his breath, then closing his eyes. The smell of his sweat along with his throbbing headache makes him want to vomit.

He has no idea what time, or even what day it is. Reaching for his pockets, nothing. Deep down, he knew there was something fishy about this interview, a major company wouldn't give last minute interviews just because someone cancelled, they'd just reschedule it for another time. Wooyoung lets the tears fall, angry at himself for being so stupid, being so exited that he just went to the interview, even when he arrived at the shady place he didn't leave. All because he was desperate for a job.

He didn't even say bye to Yeosang properly, or San and Yunho, how were they going to find him. He squints his eyes, everything becoming too much, he's definitely been drugged with something, he can barely sit up now.

As he lies down, his ears pick up on a strange sound but he has no energy to turn his head with his position on the floor. It sounds familiar and Wooyoung wishes he could go to the door, try to escape, do anything.

As he closes his eyes he recognises the music, when he moved out, the house next door to him. His eyelids are too heavy to open so he just lets them close.

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