Scene 11: drive me mad

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𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐬

8:15 pm- gryffindor boys dorms

That day was a rare day for Sirius Black.

Sitting on his bed in the marauders dorm room, the pureblood had recieved a letter that, for once, didnt make him want to rip his hair out. Andromeda had always been his favourite cousin. They had been close and related to eachother in the fact that they were the actual decant members of the Black family, both the family dissapointments. Now that he was disowned, Sirius was free to have contact with her again without the fear of punishment, and he couldnt be more elated.

He was currently alone as Remus was in the hospital wing, having been dragged there kicking and screaming by Peter and James as he was a stubborn sod and he thought that he could handle the first full moon since being back at hogwarts, but this was for his own good and he just had to suck up the fact that James had to act on his motherly instincts.

"Your dorm is quiet, this should not be normal." Sirius looked up from the parchment that was crinkled between his fingers to find Raven, leaning against the open doorframe, arms crossed casually with a lazy smirk on her face, still in her robes.

"Hey," he smiled and replied. "Not that im complaining," he teased, "but what are you doing here?"

"I was bored and I came to ruin all of your day's," Raven replied simply. "However James, Remus and Peter have all disappeared, so now it seemes I'll only have you to torture with my company." She remarked, crossing the room to sit on Remus' bed, opposite him.

"Lucky me." He grinned, moving to lie down on his back and casually putting his hands behind his head. I am truly lucky. Its just us now, Raven. Alone. I get to talk to you now. Ask you questions. Figure you out. An ambitious task, I know but I'm dedicated, dont worry. You have me hooked.

"That seemed like a nice letter you were reading."

"A nice letter?" He convayed, turning his head to look at her.

"Yeah, there are many types of letters." She observed and he gestured her to continue.

"Nice letters, bad letters." She listed, observing the dorm room in thought for a few moments. "Final letters." The Ravenclaw looked back at him, making eye contact, he suppressed the urge to shiver under the intensity of her eyes.

Sirius studied her for a moment. "You truley are a conundrum." He muttered, shaking his head. "Tell me something." He wondered aloud to which the furrowing of her eyebrows was the only crack in her blank gaze.

"Anything. Something you havent told anyone before." Sirius begged impulsively, trying to not sound too desperate. He wanted to know something about her exclusively. Feel special.

Ravens mouth slowley quirked up into a calculative smile. She knew he wanted to figure her out. To feel special. Well, if Sirius wanted to know her so badly, she'll just have to give him a clue to help him do so.

"My favourite book is wuthering heights." She said carefully, unrelenting in her stare. Sirius felt as if he was a mere mouse caught between the claws of a cat. The ravenclaws predatory mindset toying with him, as if to say she knew something that he didnt.

"What's your favourite line from it?" The gryffindoor probed. He felt compelled to ask, as if there was more significance to the answer.

She smiled like she was waiting for him to do just that. Something had played into her cards. "You said I killed you- haunt me, then. The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe." Raven quoted fluidly.

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