Scene 2: train ride

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𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠

12:15am- hogwarts express

Raven was only nine when her father died. It was in a fire, so hopefully the death was quick. Hopefully? Yeah.

Since then, Ravens mother had fallen into a state of depression. It was as if Claudette Fawley had died herself. Always locked in her bedroom, doing god knows what, sending impromptu letters asking Raven for money to pick up drugs from the back alleyways of Amsterdam, as an uneducated pureblood having absolutely no sense or understanding of muggle money.

And while Raven had to deal with her nuclear-waste-pile of a mother, she also had her own questionable problems to deal with.

But she dosent talk about it. That would mean acknowledging it and then following it by pity and 'thats not normal' and 'you should really talk to someone'. So therefore, no, fuck off.

She didn't have very many people she could tolerate, so if you were on the list of people she could stand being around for more than five minutes, you were most likely considered a friend. Or a nuisance. Or useful.

Whilst standing up and fixing her pleated skirt, Raven dug through her satchel until her hand curled around a cigarette box and lighter. Swiftly placing a single between her lips and then reaching up to open the train window.

She cupped her hand over the flame as she lit up the cigarette. Taking a deep inhale, she allowed the grey smoke to warm up her chest until she regretfully exhaled.

She was pulled out of her silent musing when the compartment door was slammed open by an eager James Potter, an equally energetic Sirius Black, an amused Remus Lupin and a confused Peter Pettigrew.

The marauders and Raven had an odd friendship. She knew everything about them. They knew nothing about her. The four boys liked to kid themselves into thinking they know Raven Fawley, when in reality, they didn't know a thing. They still cared about her despite of this. They were intrigued by the mystery of her, much like the rest of the school.

"Tut, tut Fawley. Smoking? You're supposed to be a sensible Ravenclaw." Said James in a mock sternness with one hand on his hip and the other in front of him, waving his finger in a disapproving manner.

She snorted. "Me?" Raven said in her usual impassive tone. "What about Remus? He's a prefect."

"Im surprised your not taking points off of her, Mr 'make good choices'." Sirius teased, whilst he sat down across from Raven.

"Excuse me," Said Remus in false offence. "I am offended that you think I have a permanently lodged stick up my arse." He tittered sarcastically, whilst ironically taking a cigarette, offered from Raven, and lighting it.

"Just some of the time then." Sirius said lowley whilst looking around innocently as if to find the perpetrator who uttered such a sentance, which earned him a small kick in the shin from Raven.

"I think Remus is quite sensible." Interjected Peter in a chirpy tone. "He wouldn't have gotten prefect otherwise."

"I think you're forgetting Peter. Remus comes up with most of your pranks." Contradicts Raven. "He's just smart enough to not get caught."

"And how would you know that?" Asks Remus amused.

"That's a secret." Raven Joked.

Remus, Sirius and Peter snickered at the comment while James, only just registering what Raven had said before hand - probably daydreaming about his precious lilyflower- suddenly wailed out "Oi, were you just calling the rest of us stupid, black bird!"

'Black bird', one of the many stupid, insufferable nicknames James had for Raven, alongside 'insensitive pigeon' and 'scary Ravenclaw'.

"Yes." She replied bluntly, looking out of the window, while Sirius snorted at the comment and James was gaping in offence. Remus and Peter, snickering at the look on James' face.

"Right." Remus announced after a few moments, standing up and moving towards the door. "I'm going to collect Evans and then head to the prefects meeting."

"Ooh tell Lilyflower she looks positively ravishing!" James calls out after him.

"You haven't even seen her yet." Groaned Remus, looking at James with dissapointment but unsurprisingly not shocked at his audacity.

"I see her in my dreams every night, is that good enough for you!" Whined James as if he was a dog who had his favourite toy taken off of him. Remus shook his head, muttering curses and complaints under his breath that would probably give Peter a heart atack.

The corners of Ravens mouth merely twitched in amusement as she set her feet on Sirius' lap, fiddling with one of her many silver rings. Sirius was oddly quiet. But that was only because he was too busy staring at Raven, taking in every inch of her appearance.

She was wearing black combat boots with thin tights. She wasnt wearing her blue Ravenclaw outer robe as it was thrown carlessly on the seat next to her. Only leaving her in her black skirt, white blouse and her blue and silver tie- tied loosely around her neck with her top button undone. A small patch of collar bone on show.

She wasn't one to wear a lot of makeup, Sirius observed. She usually just smudged some black eyeliner around her eyes and wore lip gloss, which is what she was wearing now. Her hair was down and relaxed, with the front pieces slightly waved to frame her face.

She's always looked good, Sirius thought. Something about her just made him unable to look away. You probably know what you're doing, don't you? You put your feet on my lap so I'm constantly reminded of your presence?

she looked hot, he concluded as his eyes flickered from Raven and to the floor next to her for a split second. I probably shouldn't be staring at her, she'll sense it like a bloody spider, he scolded himself, as he shifted in his seat slightly.

Raven tilted her head up to look at the occupants in the compartment and Sirius found himself entranced by the shades of blue that spun in her eyes. Her eyes held a medley of mystery, and he wondered if he was the only one who noticed.

"So, we have OWLS this year." She stated, folding her arms and leaning back in her seat.

"Sadly," Groaned James. "But i'm sure my lilyflower will be just fine, shes so smart!" Continued James dreamily.

"Yeah, it will be murder." Sirius grumbled. "I bet you'll do just fine though Raven?" he continued cheekily.

Raven had an amused glint in her eyes. "I never tell anyone exactly how clever I am, they would be too scared."

Peter blinked confusedly. "What did she mean by that?" He not-so-quietly whispered to Sirius And James.

James answered. "You know what Raven is like. She often speaks in riddles."

hello hello

i have so many ideas and plans for this story and i'm excited

vote, it helps!

1160 words.

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