Scene 1: fith year - beginnings

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𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐲

10:55 am- platform 9 3/4 - london

Raven Fawley disliked many things.

The fucking audacity of happy, jolly parents crying and fussing over sending their children away was a part of that list.

I mean, get a grip. You'll see eachother again in three months.

As Raven arrived at the platform she made a point (a very immature one, but still,) to knock shoulders with some of the poor unsuspecting people in her way, abruptly putting a stop to their wallowing as her mere presence was like a small, dark, ever expanding angry little cloud on a sunny day. Eye-catching and mystical, a nuisance to the uncultured boring people who dont like the rain.

Raven loves the rain. And guess what. If you dont like the rain, then you're the nuisance, salt poured ontop of ice, bashing someone in the skull with a fucking hammer-d git that makes this world a shit place.

But dont take it personally. No offence and all that jazz. Its nothing but an angsty teenager talking.

Raven walked towards the train, families already taking notice of her and moving out of the way. She was like her father in that aspect, a person to be both feared and admired as she tried her best to walk towards the train and manoeuvre passed the colourful, emotional little swines that were people. Whilst observing the families that were oviously better people than her, she expected to feel something.

Jelousy? No, she dosent need anyone. Dosent care enough to be jelous.

Just pure fucking nothingness. Numbness. As usual.

As Raven finally entered the train many students tensed and quieted as she passed by, for many were intimidated by her. Raven Fawley always radiated mixed vibes to anyone who crossed paths with her. No one really knew anything about her, other than she was a Fawley, a ravenclaw and a pureblood, but for some, that was enough. Bloody nosey prats.

When she eventually found a compartment after going into the bathroom quickley and changing into her blue and silver uniform, she relaxed herself onto the seat next to the window, while kicking her feet onto the seat opposite and overlapping them with folded arms, and watched the Scottish countryside pass by in silence.

Raven liked the silence. The quietude she was sat in was comforting, mixed with the gentle hum of the train on its tracks, bellowing out steam. Peaceful compared to the fucked up entities that was her thoughts. She was away from the memories of her father and the uselessness of her drugged up mother. It was a stark contrast to the silence in the Fawley Estate, which was uncomfortable and had the deafening tones of isolation.

But alas, the silence did not last for long, as four very loud gryffindor boys were about to disturb the peace. If only they knew what this train ride would mark the start of.


Sirius Black liked the hustle and bustle of a busy platform 9 and 3/4.

He enjoyed the loud and lively atmosphere that the platform and his 3 other friends had to offer.

The noise was comforting, listening to the happy sounds of goodbyes and reunions as he walked across the platform with the Potter family. Which was a stark contrast to the loud screeching that echoed throughout the sinister 12 grimmauld place. Courtesy of Walburga Black, of course.

Overgrown, gothic, vampire- like, evil bitch.

His hatred for that women always, without fail set something off in him. Nothing good or legal, thats for sure. Something violent.

Euphemia Potter was like a small angel sent from heaven. His real family.

"Honestly, you would think mum loves you more than me. Her own son!" James exclaimed dramatically, as he waved his hands around to emphasize his point.

"That's because she does prongs." Tutted Sirius cockily, which earned him a smack on the back of the head from James.

"Alright, alright boys that's enough." Said Mia fondly as she pulled her boys in for one final squeeze. "Now I want you to at least write me once this term." Mrs Potter said, with a stern kindness. "Merlin knows I need to know weather you four are still even alive by Christmas." She said, causing the two marauders to laugh while James eagerly shoved Sirius in direction to the train.

"Those boys are going to be the cause of my grey hairs." Mia muttered exasperatedly, as she watched her boys meet up with the other two boys, rough-housing to get onto the train to start their fifth year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

yay first chapter!

vote, it helps!

the writing will get better as we go on

792 words

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