Scene 9: the moon and the stars

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𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐬

09.45 pm- 7th floor corridor

Raven was wandering around aimlessly through the quiet corridors, the contents of the letter that she'd recieved that morning playing on her mind like a broken record.

I need you to send me at least 60 galleons.

You know what it's for.

You know what it's for.

You know what it's for.

You know what it's for.

You know what its for.

It made her want to scream 'yes, I know what it's for. Well fucking done, would you like an award!'

Raven says she hates her mother. There is no question about it.

There are many complex reasons for this, one example may be that the only time her mother danes to grace Raven with her lovely presence is when;

One, Claudette needs something.

Two, Claudette is either piss drunk or too far gone to even know what century it is and suddenly remembers she has a daughter to complain about all the tragedies in her life too, either that or take out some of that pent up anger on.

Or three when Claudette needs to keep up her perfect pureblood image.

Though, she cant really complain, Raven supposes. It was her fault after all. It was always her fucking fault.

She suppressed the urge to take out her pent up agression on the innocent hard stone walls of the corridor, craving the release of the pain and the satisfaction of admiring the damage as she rubbed her eyes, her vision growing dark for a second before returning as she felt her eyeliner smudge even more. Her feet continued to carry her down the hallway.

I cant just punch the walls. What did the walls ever do to you? Huh? Except exist. And look so fucking punchable.

The marauders had a plan. One that Raven already knows about.

During the previous classes, Raven had been quiet, not that she wasn't usually, however this type of quiet was concerning given the events of that morning.

So natrually the four dumb gryffindors thought it would be a smashing idea to kidnap their slightly scary Ravenclaw friend and drag her to their dorm to try and get her to talk.

I cant be upset now? Is that it? Maybe I just didnt want to deal with other peoples stupidity today. Maybe, I just didnt want to try and make conversation with someone who has the mental capacity of wet fucking paint.

Not that the plan would work, the only person that knew the extent of her home life was Regulus, and she planned on keeping it that way. The worry and concearn it would cause would just be an unnecessary burden. Not to mention the questions that would follow couldnt really be answered, Raven would take those secrets to the grave if she must.

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