Chapter 2: Affection

Depuis le début

Chloe: Ms. Dupain Cheng did you left my hotel already?

Marinette: Yes, I did Chloe. Why did you ask?

Marinette swiped on the top of her screen down to check the home screen, then pressed on the notification of Fei's text to reply to her.

Fei: Well you know the man who burned down my father's school, made me an orphan, and used me to get him some money. He got a life sentence in the Shanghai court!

Hmph. He deserved it! Marinette thought typing out her text.

Marinette: That's good news! Now he won't be a threat to your life anymore! :D

As she was typing her message to Fei, a notification popped up of Chloe replying. She went to the chat and read the message,

Chloe: None of your business Ms.Dupain-Cheng, and if you're in the bakery tell your parents to eat a rat!

   Marinette rolled her eyes as she stuffed her phone harshly in her back pocket, which made her friend concerned. "Something wrong?" Zoe asked hesitantly as Marinette looked at her and smiled sweetly, "Just Chloe being Chloe." Zoe sighed. "I do wish there was someone who can change her in a good way."
   "I hope so's just a matter of time," Marinette replied. "When we arrive at the bakery I can sneak you some croissants and macaroons." Zoe giggled and said, "I'm still paying." Marinette shakes her head and points at herself. "I'll be paying but with invisible money." Both Marinette and Zoe laughed.

Then they arrived.
   "Come inside, mademoiselle." Marinette said with elegance opening the bakery door for Zoe, "Thank you kindly ma'am" Marinette snickered going inside the bakery. She takes out some macaroons and croissants packing them into a bag. "Here you go, have an amazing evening Zoe!" Marinette waved goodbye to the teenager and watched her leave the bakery.
   "Alright now time to-" Marinette started but got interrupted by her mother standing there. "Pay up sweetie" Marinette sighed and gave Sabine 27 euros, "Alright you caught me. I must admit you're getting amazing at catching me." Sabine giggled, "It's going to be one of my special talents. Thank you, sweetheart."
   Marinette exited the bakery and walked upstairs,
and walked another,
then another,
then opened a door,
then another staircase,
and now we readers are gonna fall asleep.

Alright back to it.

   Marinette slightly opened the trapdoor to see Alya on her couch reading a book to the kwamis. She grins takes out her phone and snaps a quick pic then gets out the trapdoor. "Hey Alya I'm back"
"Oh hey girl!" Alya said happily getting up. "So! I picked out a horror movie for us to watch and-"
"Alya you know I don't like horror movies."
"Well you know I can always be used as comfort" Alya replied smirking, Marinette sighed and agreed to watch it since there was nothing better to do, besides she was tired and did not want to discover more things about being a guardian and how to protect the world and all.

Timeskip, 8:24 p.m

   The two girls we getting very comfortable on Marinette's bed with the lights off and the kwami's around them. "What-! I thought she was the main character-"
   "Eep! Too disgusting to watch!" Marinette squeaked digging her head into Alya's chest. "It's just a little bloo-oohh! Never mind uhh...there's a lot of blood uh- ouch! Uhh. Oh happy early birthday, I guess? The poor girl died before her birthday." Marinette snickered with her head still in Alya's chest. "There's a lot of gore Marinette so you probably don't want to see- oh looks like they found a gas station. Oh, those poor elderly people not having a clue what's going on and yet they're about to get shot." Marinette finally decided to look at the screen and saw a man pointing a gun at two elderly people who had their hands up. "Aww come on they look so precious," Marinette said feeling bad for the elderly people. "Right- ohh uhh someone's having a seizure or are they choking?"
"Did we even get their names?"
"I...don't think so." Marinette giggled snuggling closer to Alya.
   A few milliseconds later, Marinette felt Alya's skin getting warmer, of course being the hood best friend she is, she was concerned. "Alya, are you okay?" Marinette asked looking up at Alya whose face was completely red. "Y-Yes! I'm okay really! I'm sorry, it's just something in the movie- uhh yea." Marinette was confused, to say the least, but she let it slide as she went back into her comfortable spot. A few minutes into the movie, Marinette had already fallen asleep.

The Next Day, Thursday 8:27 a.m

   "Girl wake up!" Alya shouted shaking Marinette gently. Marinette groaned in annoyance wishing to receive her well-deserved beauty sleep, "5 more minutes please!"
"Nope! If I let you then we'll be late for our first period!" Marinette roughly sat up with a grumpy attitude and glared at the teenager sitting next to her. "Fine!" The bluenette hopped off the bed and quickly changed into a knitted pink cropped cardigan with some classic baby blue jeans and her usual pink flats, did her hair into two high buns, and viola! Perfection. "Come on!" Alya shouted again leaving the room. Marinette smiled as she rolled her eyes and left the room, and then she had to go through a whole journey of getting to the bakery. While Alya on the other hand was down at the bakery getting two croissants, one for herself and one for Marinette.
   Finally, Marinette walked inside the bakery and was greeted by Alya shoving a croissant in her mouth. "Mfm!" Marinette muffled with a grumpy face. Alya giggles and took Marinette's hand to drag her to school. Marinette ate her croissant and took a look at Alya's outfit, a black and white checkered sweater vest, and shirt combo, all in one, which she named an Argyle Print Bishop Sleeve Blouse. It cuts right at the hemline of her black jeans and to her usual white sneakers. Hmm...I'm guessing she stole that from my design closet. Marinette thought with a giggle. It hadn't taken long for the girl to notice they were already in Ms. Bustiers' class already seated. She took out her notebook and pencil until Alya spoke, who was speaking with her boyfriend, Nino.  "No, I'm sorry Nino. Maybe next time." Nino sighed but nodded.


   "Is something going on between you and Nino?" Marinette asked worried about their relationship. "No.. there's just something going on with me," Alya replies scribbling in her notebook. "Like what?" Marinette asked scooting closer to Alya. "Mm...Nothing. I'll take care of it." Marinette nodded, understanding that Alya will tell her soon, then she looked toward Ms. Bustier.
   "Good morning students.. as for always we're gonna start the day by complimenting your neighbors." Ms. Bustier said with a smile. Marinette instantly turned to Alya, "Alya you look pretty! I love how you chose a nice style today! It really suits you. I wonder where you stole it from..." Alya's face reddens a little as she gave a little snicker, "You look adorable every day Marinette. You always come up with these amazing outfits you put on every day, even if it's your usual outfits like yesterday. I still cannot believe that you design them, you'll become famous in the future." Marinette giggles hugging Alya, "I doubt that but I'll have to take your word for it." Marinette admitted as Alya smiles giving a small peck on Marinette's cheek. The two girls giggled and pull away from each other's embrace when their teacher started talking.

After Class, Thursday 9:34 a.m

   Marinette was walking through the school grounds, unsure of what she was doing because she forgot until she started to hear someone..crying. Concerned feelings immediately rose, the girl walked towards the sobbing sounds when she sees a familiar blonde with her usual glasses tucked in her hair. "...Chloe?"
"Huh?" Chloe's eyes widen at the sight of the bluenette and quickly wiped her tears, "What do you want Dupain-Cheng?" Chloe asked abruptly, her voice sounding like her nose was stuffed. "Chloe cut the act I saw you were crying," Marinette said with a serious tone. Chloe glared at her, "How stupid of you to assume I was crying! Miss Bourgeois never cries!" Chloe said walking away with her left hand on her hip and her right hand floating in the air.
   Marinette sighed figuring she would go talk to her after her plans. Which was not much like yesterday. Marinette looked at the time noticing she has a few minutes left before her next period, Chemistry. She was about to begin to walk when she saw Lila walk out of the bathroom. Marinette sighed rolling her eyes to walk away from the liar until the liar spots her.

"Hey Marinette!" Lila shouts with a happy-sounding tone.

Oh boy.

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