"What- How would you-?" I couldn't even form a proper question in my confusion.

"Guess you could say it runs in the family" She just winked at me. My confused facial expression changing instantly when I realized what she was implying. She wasn't just the sister of a dangerous gang member. 

She was a dangerous gang member herself. 

I unconsciously scooted further away from her. 

"You- are you? Part of a ga-gang?" Surprise and shock were written on my face. She giggled.

"I'm actually a leader myself", she proudly exclaimed. 

"I don't want to be- I can't be" I stammered. She nodded, stood up from my bed and took a few steps towards the door, giving me some space. Even though she scared me with her confession, she had to be one of the politest criminals ever- considering that all of the other criminals I've gotten involved with in the past 48 hours hadn't been rude either.

Now I was even trying to make them sound nice-

Stop, Y/N.

I was already falling into their traps. I needed to get out of their spider web.

They might be nice and polite. That's what serial killers tend to be.

"Chan wanted me to make sure you're okay and to let you know that you're safe here. My stupid brother on the other hand wanted me to interrogate you." Yeji laughed and gave me a warm smile. I looked at her horrified by the second part of her statement. 

They wanted to know if I would rat them out to the police.

"Don't worry, not like that. Just about you and Chan. Seems like all of the twits desperately want to know what's going on between the boss and the new girl."

"What will you tell them?" I found my voice again when she was almost out the door. Her head peaked back in. 

"I'll tell Chan that he should talk to you and be upfront with his intentions." She explained and headed to leave again.

"And Hyunjin?" I asked, a grin spreading on her face.

"Well, of course I gotta tell him the truth. But I mean it shouldn't be new information, it's so obvious."

"What is?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, while her big grin managed to get even wider.

"Our little mafia leader has a soft spot for you, Snow White."

With that she left my room and me completely perplex.

I sat on my bed for what felt like ages when Yeji left. My head was spinning and I couldn't even think straight for a second. 

I couldn't tell you if it was stupidity or courage that dictated my next move but when I got up I left room 19 with a mission of my own.

I had to get an answer to everything that happened to me since I met my kidnapers and most importantly-

What was going to happen to me from now?

Would Yeji be right?

Did I only have two options?

Do or die?

With all of my determination I burst into Chan's room. I didn't even waste a thought on knocking and his surprised face turned into an annoyed expression and then quickly disappeared, a slight smile replacing it. 

"Yeji informed me that we should talk." He said, resting himself in a chair near his fireplace.

"You should've knocked you know, I could've been naked, for all you know", he joked, studying my face carefully.

"The first night we met- when you broke into my house- who was after you?" The questions in my head were perfectly planned, but I felt tongue tied now that I stood in front of the notorious gang leader.

"Bounty hunters", he answered as if it was obvious, signaling me to sit next to him. I ignored his hands and continued my questionnaire, standing in front of him and crossing my arms over my chest. 

"H-How did you get up to my apartment?" 

"I climbed up the railing and jumped." A scenario of him doing parkour moves to get onto my balcony played in my head.

"How did you know I didn't call the police?" 

"Felix listens to police radio", he cocks an eyebrow at me. Right, I could've figured that out myself.

"Second time, who shot you?" My voice was so loud, I was almost screaming at him.

"A rival gang caught up to me. Next", he stared into my eyes, as if he was trying to look right into my soul and guess my next move. He knew there would be more.

"Who was the one that Minho kill- shot- release-", my brain couldn't even decide what to go with and Chan sighed.

"A rival gang member." 

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I was most definitely screaming now. He however looked as calm as ever, despite me yelling on top of my lungs just centimeters apart from his own face when he stood up.

"You know that already", he shook his head at my forgetfulness. "I choose to trust you, hoping you might trust me too someday."

That doesn't make any sense! My inner voice shouted but I didn't.

"What if I won't?" I whispered.

"Uncertainty excites me, baby." He grinned, not being fazed by my gloominess.

I closed my eyes and held my breath, anxious for his answer to my last and most important question. When I opened them back up again, I was looking right into his soft brown eyes.

"Chan..." I said his name pleadingly. 

And a shadow went over his face, he looked like he knew what was coming and couldn't bare to hear me say it. But he braced himself for my question and he looked sorrowful for half a second. 

I gulped.

"Can I go home, please?" I hadn't even noticed the tear escaping my eyes, when Chan wiped it away with his thumb. 

The awkward silence that took over the room in response was the only answer I got.

You vs. My Whole Life | Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now