C14-{~On Our Way To The Fair~}

Start from the beginning

LS💸👑: Alec you're literally using your phone rn 😅

RW🤪😪: Wait is the fair far from here???

PP😝🤑: Is not that far away. I think we can get there walking

MG🤫🤓: I'm going I mean we'll be here only for the weekend and it's Friday so why not

JS🔥🧸: yeah I'm in too😁

HM⚜️〽️: ok let's go. Wait right now or what time?!

KH⚔️⚰️: It's 6 rn

PP😝🤑: ok everyone y'all have 1 hour to change and then we can go



"uuuuh someone's going to have *** tonight" Jax teases going down the starts. "Is not like that you idiot but I wouldn't be opposed to that idea" Penelope answers with a smirk.

"OK, WE ARE READY WE CAN GO NOW" Lizzie yells going downstairs with Hope and Josie behind her.
"Fuck Penelope I'm never trusting you again" Jax groans.

"Is not my fall the fucking Gps said it was close to the house. How was I supposed to know that the bitch was lying" Penelope exclaims.

"I don't know you could try reading directions next time idiot," Hope says with a 'fuck you' face. "I am" Penelope half-yelled.

"Are we sure we're not lost?" Landon asks. "Yes, muppet I would know if we were lost. I think it just takes more time than I thought to get there" Penelope answers.

"Fuck I'm sweating. Penelope, I swear to god, if you lost us I'm gonna kill you" Kaleb says.

"Ok, can someone check the freaking Gps and assure me that we're not lost for fuck sake," Josie asks.

Jed starts looking at his phone but makes a face. "I don't have a signal. Why the hell is there no signal?" He asks.

"Calm down y'all I know where we are going. Also, I was smart enough to take a screenshot of the way" Penelope explains.

"You do know that's not the same right" Kaleb ask concerned. "Yes I know, calm down ok I'm not lost," Penelope says.

"Ok, Penny let me see that," Josie says taking the phone from Penelope. Josie's eyes widen when she sees the picture.

"Ok, people don't freak out but we're definitely lost," Josie says. "WHAT" they all yell in sync.

"Yeah well it looks like we didn't walk to the fair, we walked in the other direction" Josie exclaims looking at Penelope.

"What no, I was looking at the freaking screenshot," Penelope says.

"Penny I've been in this place before and I'm sure as hell this is the opposite direction" Josie exclaims.

"Ok, ok what do we do now, and how the hell do you get lost having fucking directions," Raf asks getting frustrated.

"Ok, y'all we're gonna die. Someone is gonna kidnap us and then sell us to freaking organs traffickers, so they can kill us and sell our organs. I even have my Louis Vuitton purse with me, the only one that I have" Lizzie rumbles, fully freaking out now.

"Lizzie calms the fuck down and we're not gonna die. Also, we are supernaturals you idiot no one can kidnap us or kill us. Think straight" Hope says with an annoyed face.

"Is difficult to think straight when you're not straight Hope Andrea, you should know that by now" Lizzie says, and Hope rolls her eyes. 

"Ok, I think I know the way but I don't want you all freaking out if we get lost again," Josie says.

"Jo I'm gonna trust you, just because you're the only one with good judgment in this group," Mg says.

They all start following Josie.
"So are we still going to the fair or not" Kaleb ask.

They were able to get to the house again.

"Is 7:45 in the fucking afternoon, I'm all sweaty and I need a shower" Lizzie exclaims.

"Oh c'mon," Jax says with a pout.

"No Lizzie's right, Penelope made us walk 45 minutes straight for absolutely nothing" Hope exclaims.

"BITCH PLEASE. NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU WALK STRAIGHT" Penelope yells from the kitchen.

"Guess me and Jax will have to go on our own" Josie says interlacing her arm with Jax's. "We could always find dates in the fair" Jax says with a smirk. Hope's eyes start glowing and Lizzie is looking red and it is not because of how much time they had to walk.

"Calm down Liv, I was kidding. But we're definitely finding Jo a date" Jax grins in Hope's direction and Hope growls.

"Ok babe, calm down. Jax is just kidding. Plus, he's a bad wingman, or else he would've got us together a long time ago" Josie says jokingly.

"Pshh, that was all your fault. You guys were blind and you didn't see it" Jax accuses, moving her hand in front of his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I changed my opinion and I'm coming with. I would like to let those people know who you belong with" Hope says and walks towards Josie, takes her hand, and pulls Josie towards her making Josie pull her arm away from Jax's.

"Possessive much" Jax murmurs.  "You know I changed my mind. I'm gonna go with you guys my shower can wait" Lizzie says.

"Who else is coming with us" Josie ask.

In the end, the whole squad is going to the fair but this time in the van because they don't have time to waste.

Hey, y'all here's the new chapter. Hope you guys liked it and if you didn't like it, well I can't do anything about that but improve the next one. Sorry if there are mistakes right now is 2:40 in the morning and I had to do some changes to this chapter, plus, I'm lazy asf.

Lots of love ❤️


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