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Third-person POV

The Stolls had just finished setting up there greatest prank on the Demeter cabin yet . They had put chocolate easter bunnies on their grass rouf .As Apollo would be waking up they would melt on the grass. It was a horrible idea if you considerd the cleaning up . But the Stolls motto or one of their mottos is Think of the presend,not the futere .

Travis yawed and excleamed
"Hope this works out"

"It will and besides when have our pranks ever failed ."



Katie's POV
I woke up , pick up my clothes and went to the bathroom there i washed my teeth and showered . In my way back to my cabin i glanced at the roof and do you wanna chocolate bunnies melting in our roof .
Are you kidding me this is the most childish one yet .
By this point only the consoulors expect Travis and Connor were up . And i kid you not i am pretty sure i woke the entire camp . Not that payed any attenion to it .

Travis and Connor came in their pijamas and let me tell you . Travis looked very attractive in a rather tight t-shirt . He also wore some checert pj pants. They were still pretty far thank gods for that because i am pretty sure i lost my balance for a second . Wait way am i thinking that his hot i should be mad at him . I am mad at him because Travis Stoll is nothint than an ingorant childish
asshole a hot asshole . Stop that he an arse an arse.

"Hello Kit-Kat what seem to be the problom that me and my dear brother Connor at such ungoldy hour"

"Oh drop the act before you end up like the on my cabins roof . Half-melted with the bottom nonexsted . "

"Half-melted by your looks "He replaid with a tiny smirk

All i did was roll my eyes . Gods how could he be so stupid with his cute smirk i mean annoying smirk that was allways seeking for trouble .

"Idiot" i said with a huff
"And byway dont call me Kit-kat "

I hated that stupid nickname .

"So if you don't wanna die you two will nevermind will clean the roof "
"I can't do that Flower-Katie i am very buzy "

"Buzy with what pranking i am sure put that on hold"

"In fact yes and it is a proffesion with day-offs "

"Well my proffesion is killing you and i would aprisieate a day-off"

Travis ingored my remark and put on a fake serious face "Well theres one to sort this out "

"And what is that"

He put a hand on my shoulder and said
"Tag your it "
And run off

It took me a moment of losing my brainsails before i relaized what he ment . I tried to call him out but he was ro buzy running away . I was seriously going to play tag are you kidding me .

I run and i finally was able to pin him in the forest it was dengerous yes neither of were paying attenion.

"Travis get back here "

"Oh come on Katie i know you loved the prank "


"You just wanna get near me "

"Oh really "I said as i wraped vains aroumd his legs .

"Goodbay well i am leaving"

"Oh come on i was please don't leave me "

I got really close to him to sibly to annoy him and repleid .

"And why would to get close to you "
"To do thim"

And then he kissed me it was the greatest kiss of all time . It was passionette and gentle at the same . It not like i could resist the kiss . Without notining i was fully making out wirh him.

World count:628

Tratie one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now