The end

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Hello, beautiful souls!!!

Kira's adventure has finally come to an end, and yes, she lives happily ever after with Kyoya and their cat Ash :)

I began this series of books in 2016/2017, and, well, it's been almost five years! Five years creating this amazing story I absolutely love and five years with Kira. But now, the time to say goodbye to Kira has come.

Finish this series of books gives me a bittersweet feeling. This journey was great, and I am happy that it has now ended. But, at the same time, I will miss this. I will miss Kira.

Kira Rose is probably the first character I have ever created. She is part of me as she was created based on my personality. She then began to gain her own personality, though, but she was always part of me. 

Thank you all for your support. Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, sharing, everything!

I will now move to other fandoms and stories. I have dozens and dozens of ideas I want to share! Soon I will be publishing my Legend of Korra fanfic, and I will be updating my FMA fanfic more often, as well! And who knows, maybe I will be back into the Beyblade world; but for now, I will dedicate myself to other projects :)

Thank you once again for having joined me in this journey! It's been great, and you've been amazing!

Stay beautiful and stay safe! A virtual hug and a kiss on the left cheek <3

Heart of Steel (Beyblade Shogun Steel/Kyoya)Where stories live. Discover now