Chapter 8 - The Other Kira

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'Kira, we need you at the Bey Park right now!'

'What? Why? What's going on, Benkei?' the red-haired lady asked getting up from her chair in her office.

'There's a guy destroying Shinobu's bey at the park!' the purple-haired man spoke with urgency in his voice.

'Alright, I'll be there in a minute,' Kira spoke and ended the call. 'We're going to the Bey Park, Chris.'

'Yes, boss,' the blond nodded and they left Kira's office.

The two Legendary Bladers headed to their black car and Chris drove fast to the park. When they arrived, Kira got out and ran inside. It was already late, so the building was almost empty. The sound of her heels echoed in the halls as she ran to the main arena.

She began hearing voices as she approached the arena. When she got there, she saw Shinobu on the ground. His friends were around him and he was hurt. Then, the lady noticed what was happening in the stadium. Salamander was being violently attacked even though the battle was already over. On the other side of the stadium was a tall male with greyish hair. He was the one attacking Salamander.

In a swift move, Kira got her launcher ready and launched Phoenix that collided with Ninja Salamander and made it fly out of the stadium.

'Kira!' Benkei exclaimed when he noticed the red beyblade.

'Are you alright?' the red-haired female asked Shinobu as she approached him and the young man nodded. 'Chris! Take him to the hospital!'

Soon, Chris was at the arena as well and helped Shinobu on his feet so he could take him to his car.

'Oh, you even called for backup,' the blader who had defeated Shinobu said.

'Shut up and the get the hell out of here,' Kira spoke as she looked at the cocky male.

The stranger felt challenged and his rebel and evil personality didn't let him go without saying anything.

'Are you going to be another drill for me?' he teased.

'I'm going to be your worst nightmare,' Kira said with determination and rage as she walked to the platform to begin the battle.

'I wasn't expecting less from the famous Kira Rose,' he replied with a grin.

'Be careful, Kira,' Ren said with worry when the lady stepped in the platform. 'He's strong.'

'The colourful guy is the one who should be careful.'

'The name is Kira Hayama,' he spoke with annoyance.

Kira's light eyes changed when she realized he had the same name as her.

'Hmph, your mother could have chosen a better name,' the lady commented.

'It wasn't her who've chosen it,' he confessed before his beyblade attacked Phoenix fiercely.

The red-haired lady was slow to react as she was thinking about who could have given the male his name. He just had the same as her, but the had a bad feeling about it.

'Kira, watch out!' Benkei called his friend making the lady leave her thoughts and focus on the battle.

Kira wanted to finish that quickly. However, Behemoth was a strong beyblade and head-on attacks could be dangerous for Phoenix. Maybe, if she used Phoenix's left rotation, her beyblade wouldn't be damaged. That was it.

'Phoenix, Attack!' Kira exclaimed.

'Go, Behemoth!'

'Now! Rise from the Ashes!' the lady shouted right when the two beyblades collided.

Heart of Steel (Beyblade Shogun Steel/Kyoya)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora