Chapter 17

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Valyn's POV

I pulled up to arson and we got out of my jeep. We walked inside and were greeted by the forensics investigator in charge.

She wasn't able to give us a name of who bought the item but she was able to give us a serial number that was traced back to the store in which it was bought.

I wrote down the address and serial number but decided that before we went, we should go talk to some of the neighbors.

We drove back towards the house and parked in front. There were two houses surrounding the charred one so I went over to the one on the left while Eddie went to the one on the right.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by an older woman. She was maybe in her late 40s or early 50s.

"Good afternoon ma'am. My name is Valyn Lopez and I'm a firefighter with the LAFD." I said holding up my fire badge.

"What can I do for you firefighter?" She asked.

"I'm with arson investigating the case of the house next door. Would you be able to tell me about the person who lived there and if you saw anything?" I asked politely.

If you asked me, she seemed way too calm for there being an arsonist on the loose in her neighborhood.

"Well the girl who lives there was young. Maybe mid-20s. I met her once but if I can recall, her name was Mallory Kendrick. Never saw her much but I always noticed the people heading in and out of her house." The woman said.

"Do you know who?" I asked.

"There were ten different people always coming. One guy dropped his ID the other day. I kept it hoping I could return it to him the next time he came around." She said.

I was starting to think that she might not be more than just a nosy neighbor but I still wasn't sure.

"Do you have it?" I asked.

"Yes. It's in the kitchen. I'll go grab it, would you like to come inside?" She asked. I was a little too suspicious of her so I decided to stay on the porch.

"No thank you. I'm fine out here. Could you just go grab the ID?" I asked.

"Yes of course." The woman said and walked inside. She came back not even 2 minutes later and handed me the ID. My heart almost dropped as I realized whose picture it was on the plastic card.

"Thank you...." I started realizing I didn't get her name.

"Catherine, Catherine stewart." She said.

"Thank you Ms. Stewart." I said as I walked down the stairs and met Eddie at the car.

"Anything?" He asked. I think he knew I was uneasy as I just kept staring at the little plastic card in my hands.

"Yeah. The woman living in the house said the a woman who lived here always had people coming in and out. One of which dropped his ID that she picked up." I said handing him the ID.

"So who is he?" Eddie questioned.

"Theo Lopez." I stated. Theo was another one of my brothers. He was the black sheep because he was on the wrong side of the law. He was the player and the one who never wanted to settle down. Doesn't have kids, and if he had a girlfriend the relationship never lasted more than a month. He just got out of prison last year after he spent five years inside because he committed arson.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" He asked me.

"Thea Lopez. Always been on the wrong side of the law. He got out of prison last year after committing arson and had been seen coming in and out of this house. Also I should mention he's my brother." I said as he looked straight at me.

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