Chapter 7

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Val's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear. I slowly pulled the covers off me. It was 7:00 am on May 23, 2019. It was about 70 degrees out so I decided to get ready and go for a run by the ocean. I went to my closet and pulled out a blue tank top and black running shorts. I have sleepy clothed myself and head out to the kitchen to put on my gray running shoes. I have my keys and walk out of my apartment locking the door behind me.

I was only a 10 minute walk from the ocean so about a 5 minute run. I ran along the beach for half an hour before I reached the boardwalk beads of sweat rolling down my face. I wiped my forehead is my hand and walked towards the boardwalk to get a coffee.

When I went to turn around I saw Eddie and Christopher sitting at a table right by a food truck. I debated in my head whether or not to walk up to them. I thought it through and decided to text him.

Me: I see you.

Eddie: What?

Me: Look at the coffee truck.

Eddie looked my way and waved me over.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. Kinda got worried when you texted me you saw us."

"Yeah. Figured it'd be a fun conversation."

"What are you doing here so early?"

"I woke up and decided to go for a run."

"Nice, have you eaten?"

"No not yet."

"Do you want to join us we haven't ordered our food yet."

"I don't want to intrude."

"Can you stay?" Christopher asked.

"Yeah, you won't be intruding. Both of us want you to eat with us."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, absolutely." Eddie stood up and pulled the chair out for me.

"Thanks." I said.

The three of us ate breakfast although, it was kinda hard to eat with Christopher cracking a joke every minute. We finished at around 9:00 am. I walked with them to their car before I would walk home.

"You sure you don't want to ride?" Eddie asked.

"Nah, thanks though. I enjoy being outside. It's one of the things have been taking advantage of and sleeping cold, rainy Seattle."

"Alright. I'll see you tonight."

"See ya."

I turned around to walk home and I smiled to myself knowing how lucky I was to have a date tonight with a guy as great as him.

When I got home I went straight to the shower. I usually prefer the hot water but this morning I opted to take a cold one. The cold water rushing down my face felt great on my warm skin.

I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my wet body. I grab my hairbrush and brush through my damp hair and pulled it back into two french braids.

I washed my face with cleanser and put on some moisturizer. I put on some light makeup; mascara and clear lip gloss.

I pulled out my phone to check the time just to be met with a message from the one and only Travis Montgomery.

Travis: Happy hot date day.

Me: Tell me again why I am friends with you?

Travis: Because we worked together for 5 years and you decided to talk to me.

New beginnings Eddie Diaz 9-1-1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora