Doomsday Part 3

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Michael Swann did not look any different from a fine gentleman helping out a young lady. It was a complete business introduction time. He shook my hand and further spoke,

"Michael Swann, Owner of Rickety Industries."

"Helza Shine, Sir. Thank you for your help."

"Helza Shine. Are you the same young advisor and company- savior? You are quite famous."

"If you put it that way, it looks fancy."

"Right, but aren't you too young for the job? But I have heard you are good. Nice to meet you"

"It is your generosity sir, I am grateful."

Then he gave me his business card. I could not help but feel amused that he could cover it so well that too in a few hours. My head was kind of spinning so I went to my room and locked myself in.

I confess that I might have lost control on myself when I laughed like a maniac. It all seemed a dream. A man I shot was not dead and back at the camp greeting me like a fine gentleman. Just to assure myself that I really shot him and it was not a dream, I checked my drawer for my handgun and its bullets. And lo! My brand new, highly expensive, shiny handgun was missing. I searched my entire room but it was not there.

I knew Michael Swann was smart but this fast. I mean he was there just ten minutes ago and he stole my handgun? I really needed to do something. That is the prime evidence against me and I loved that handgun.

I sneaked into Swann's room. It was easy because he hardly noticed anything. I searched everywhere but in vain.

I was so frustrated at things falling apart for me. I went back to my room and came out only in night for dinner.

Don Baker looked worried. She asked if I was okay. Sometimes her extreme kind of care makes me feel guilty but this was not the time that I could waste. I needed to find the handgun.

I had no idea where it could be. There were around thirty five people at this camp. If anyone saw it, I was in big trouble. It could be anywhere.

That evening I took an evening walk and saw Raiz talking to Elena Cruz. They were far enough for me not to hear anything but they looked nervous.

"This is the end" was the only thing in my mind but I have never given up. I prepared for the whole night. Emergency protocols for the police and authorities; I hardly needed them but they were there.

Doomsday- A Helza Shine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now