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Midnight struck and Sua had just exited the police station where she studied all the clues in her office although she knew who the killer was, she still needed a lot of evidence that would connect the dots to her main suspect.

"You are really testing me Kim Bora" Siyeon's voice rings behind Sua prompting the older girl to violently shift her body to see that no was there.

"Live your life Siyeon, get the fuck off mine" Sua then hears Siyeon laugh near her right ear and just as fast as she heard it. Her hand immediately went towards Siyeon's neck trying to suffocate the younger woman yet with almost an identical reflex as Sua.

Siyeon grabs ahold of Sua's arm, a wide grin appearing in her chapped lips. Silence, A battle of dominance with eyes staring intensely at one another. "Let go" Sua's voice was much colder as she tried to take back her hand yet Siyeon chuckled bitterly keeping a hold of Sua's hand.

Every complaint coming from Sua was only received by Siyeon with a bitter chuckle followed by a grip that gets tighter every time. Ignoring the people who passed by them trying to mind their own business but the desire to at least have a glance sometimes is tempting enough for mere strangers to stay from afar watching the two girls stare at each other.

Gaze filled with both resentment and disgust. No one dared to get between Siyeon and Sua, just both of them seen together was already dangerous as it is.

"You're coming with me" Without a say from Sua, the younger woman pulls her with much force earning a subtle groan from Sua the feeling of her arm getting pulled out of her own body was kind of painful yet she didn't want to show any of it to Siyeon knowing how the other will react if she did.

"I could shoot you right here right now" Sua finally manages to pull away from Siyeon's grasp, pointing a gun towards the middle of Siyeon's eyes. Both standing in an empty basketball court with no people walking by.

"Shoot me then detective" Siyeon holds Sua's hand that was steadily holding the gun. "I fucking dare you" Siyeon grinned directly at Sua, eyes glistened with excitement as the thrill surges through her entire body.

A shiver running down Sua's spine. "You rotting in jail forever would be better, I'll make sure you get tortured behind bars" Siyeon laughs it off taking the gun off Sua's hands.

"You seem very affected with the girl's death; how does it feel? Someone you hold onto dearly getting killed" Through gritted teeth Sua's eyes glared as she replies with a. "Give me the gun and leave".

Siyeon could not help but laugh at this before pointing the gun at Sua. "Remember Bora, I'm just giving you what you gave to me before. Killing my fiancée just because it wasn't you" Sua violently takes the gun shooting on the ground 1 cm away from Siyeon's feet.

The younger woman looks at the ground, a chuckle leaving her lips. "Aww, did that trigger the detective? Can you believe it? Someone who works with law is also the one who breaks them, pathetic" Siyeon then walks away shoving Sua out of her sight.

Meanwhile The older woman was still looking at the ground, breathing heavily as she remembers the following events. "You motherfucker" Sua muttered to herself before going back home hiding the gun before anyone could see them.

Jiu on the other hand went to the bar, thinking heavily of what just happened with her and Sua. "Drinking away your problems?" A blonde-haired girl sits near Jiu ordering a cocktail.

"Excuse me?" Jiu looks at the woman to see that she was a very beautiful one. Assuming she was a model, Jiu decided to glance at the woman from time to time. "It wasn't supposed to be an offensive comment, my name is Han Dong" Jiu chuckled bitterly, drowning down her 8th shot of vodka. "Minji, Kim Minji," Handong nodded, quite intimidated by the older woman.

"So, what are you running from?" Handong's finger touches the rim of her cocktail glass, eyes observing Jiu's body language.

"Love and Lust" Jiu can't help but force a laugh afterwards, unable to believe that something like this would happen to her. She promised herself not to cheat on her lover yet in the end she did.

"Another shot, make it double," Jiu tells the bartender who nodded, pouring in yet another shot of vodka. "You?" Jiu's eyes met Handong making the younger woman look away taking a sip off her drink.

"Work, men are disgusting" This led to Jiu assuming that Handong is some sort of sex worker not until. "Flight attendant" Handong eyes Jiu with a "I know what you're thinking'' Look.

It made Jiu feel flustered, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as she downs another shot feeling the burn in her chest. "Sorry" Jiu lets out a cough as she apologizes.

"It happens," Handong sighed, drinking the rest of the liquor in her glass. "And I agree" Handong looks at Jiu with a confused gaze.

"Almost all men are disgusting" Jiu tells the bartender for another shot this time buying one for Handong as well.

"And we should drink to that, yes?" Handong can't help but grin, amused by Jiu's confidence. "We shall" Handong took the shot glass that the bartender gave filled with vodka.

The two drank and talked until the bar had to close around 4 in the morning. Both clearly being a drunk mess, Handong decided it's best to stay at a motel for now.

But the moment Handong tried to stumble her way out of the bar she was met with arms that securely wrapped around her waist, preventing Handong from falling on the ground and potentially injuring herself.

"Miss, you should be careful" Handong sheepishly smiled as she weakly tried to push herself off.

"Who are you? A perverted man?" Handong slurred, making the person chuckle.

"My name is Kim Bora, let's get you to somewhere much safer first"

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