The next thing I know he's nearly tackling me in a hug.

"Easy." Alessio growls in warning from next to me but I simply ignore him.

Liam pulls back with the biggest smile and I shriek and try to move away from him as he continues to place kisses all across my face.

"Okay okay, I get it. You missed me." I say pushing him off me.

"No that was to show you how proud I am of you." He smiles, staring down at me as he shakes his head. "Three clean shots. Tweety, I didn't know you had it in you."

I smile as I turn towards Marco who's staring down at me, his face one of indifference but his eyes tell me a different story. "Thanks, I learned from the best."

I hear a grunt from next to me and I know it's Alessio, but once again I ignore him.

Instead I smile cheekily up at Marco. "Isn't that right Marco Polo?"

Marcos face drops and he rolls his eyes, "You were adequate. Now enough with the nick name." He grumbles.

"Never." I say, my smile growing as Marco narrows his eyes, his lips twitch but before I can see the smile he turns and walks towards the chair in the far corner.

I turn back towards Liam and my smile drops. "What happened to your face?" I ask, scanning his face that looked like he took a harsh beating.

His eyes flicker to the my side where I know Alesia's standing, but he simply shrugs and moves towards the sofa. I narrow my eyes looking back towards Alessio, who turns his cheek away from me as they both blatantly avoid the question.

I grit my teeth and take a deep breath. "It's really insulting how you still feel the need to keep things from me." I say, my voice filled with disappointment and when his eyes snap to mine, I can tell he's going to protest but I don't let him speak.

Instead I stare up at him, Shaking my head with a scoff. "Im tired of you picking and choosing when to communicate with me. You're constantly telling me that I need to be more upfront with you but you don't give me the same treatment." I spit, my voice low enough for just him to hear.

His brows furrow and he steps forward with a sigh, rubbing his forehead before he grabs onto my hand,"Giana, you have to understand-"

But I'm not having it. "I don't need you doing what you think will protect me. I don't need to understand." I spit, glaring up at him. "I'm telling you what I want and if you're not gonna listen, I don't want to hear it."

I yank my hand out of his grasp and shake my head as I stare into his eyes. "Communication is a two way street and until you can learn that I don't want you touching me or speaking to me."

Alessio's silent and I turn away from him to see Liam who's on his phone but he's got a small smile on his face and then I look to Marco who sends me a single nod.

I find myself thankful for them being here.

"Now, can we please get out of here?"

. . .

I never thought I'd say this, but I was getting tired of sitting on my ass all day.

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