Chapter 15:I've Seen This Before. (edited)

Start from the beginning

James:(If he has his fathers gut feeling then he's right. Jonathan always trusted his gut only to be right. I think only once was he wrong. Then he fights two people with metal legs. That can't be a normal coincidence either like he said. Maybe it has something to do with her.) Thank you for informing me Y/N and Elijah. I will look into it.

He walks away as a shiver goes down
Y/N's spine.

Ruby:Oh Y/N~.

She grabs his shoulder.

Ruby:I think you forgot to mention that to your friends. You know, being attacked.

Y/N:(I only know one other person who can do this, my grandmother. Some people say men pick women as lovers who remind them of their mothers. Since I didn't know mine very well does that mean I pick one like my grandma?)

Elijah:Well you have fun with that buddy.

Elijah runs away as fast as he can.



She turns him to look at her.

Ruby:wanna explain?

All he could do is shake in fear.

{Time Skip}

After explaining what happened they let him go. Ruby said that if he holds out on something like that again she'll make him pay. Yang was also thankful for his benefit of the doubt about what she did to Mercury. And if you want to call it lucky or unlucky team JNPR heard about him being attack, so he had to explain to them as well. After that he went to his dorm to see Elijah was gone.

Y/N:(He's been hanging around that Emerald girl a lot lately. Wonder what level their relationship is?)

Then another sudden shock of pain hit him. He grabbed his head as he also heard a ringing in his head. He groans as he falls to his knees. After a few moments it goes away. Only after seeing a destroyed Beacon again.

Y/N:I need to train it again. Maybe this time I can somewhat control it. Even if only a little.

He sits crisscrossed on the floor and concentrates. The ringing happened again, but he ignored it. It got louder and louder as he tried to concentrate for five minutes when it stopped. He saw the horrors of what happens. Yang losing her arm, Cinder trying to kill Pyrrha and then succeeding, Ruby's silver eye's causing a bright light, Elijah going missing, and his death. He opens his eyes and takes deep breathes. He started a coughing fit and notices a little bit of blood. He wipes his mouth and slowly stands to not fall.

Y/N:(So that's the future so far. I really need to change that. Maybe I should see if I can look again.)

He shakes his head.

Y/N:(No. I still don't know all of the side effects. If coughing up blood is one for barely a glimpse. Than it's not worth it.)

He looks out the window to see the sun setting and sees a red eye raven watching him. He just waves at it and goes in the bathroom to clean himself from his sweat. After a quick shower he saw the raven replaced with a crow. He notices it has red eyes too. Before he can get close to look at it a flash of the future went through his head. He fell to a knee as he groans in pain. He saw him carrying Pyrrha out a tower while they were both injured. He just crouches there for a minute before getting up.

Y/N:(So now I get a flash of the future. Not just dead friends and destroyed buildings.)

He lets out a sigh. He puts on a shirt and sits on his bed.

Y/N:I kinda hate this power of mine.

The crow narrowed its eyes at him then flew off. As for Y/N, he just wanted to sleep. But before he could Ruby sent him a message to met her at the arena. He changed into a f/c shirt and pants. He goes over and sees her waiting for him.

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