The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!

Comenzar desde el principio

"We've got to do something about new guy." Scrooge tells him.

"Haven't broken eye contact for 1 hour and 5 minutes." Ella writes on her notebook after checking her stop watch.

"I never had mousse pie!" Glomgold says misunderstanding Scrooge.

"They are in front of each other, and I can hear them clearly over the music but they can not hear each other. Possible reasons include: Age, strain, or the need to clean out their ears." Ella states out loud as she continues to jot notes.

"No, new guy!" Scrooge says.

"Oh. Agreed! Let's get rid of him." Glomgold agrees.

"Glomgold is easily distracted compared to Scrooge, so he is more likely to break eye contact first. But Scrooge has the tendency to distract in other ways also, but is more along the stubborn side. Both most likely will have a hard time seeing if they don't have eye drops. Luckily I brought some." Ella writes before turning to the men.

"Great, now I want pie!" Glomgold looks away from Scrooge to ring the bell before realizing what he did.

Scrooge smirks at Glomgold while Ella marks down another tally on the chalkboard she had placed between them.

"Glomgold loses. Which was to be expected.

"Wait, no!" Glomgold says aghast.

Scrooge jumps out his chair, pride written all over his face, "Ha! See you tomorrow, Flinty." Scrooge says strutting out the room with Ella following not too far behind.

** The next day

Ella and Scrooge walk into the billionaires club and cover their ears from how loud the music that, Mark Beaks left on yesterday, was.

"Turn that nonsense off!" Scrooge yells to Glomgold.

Glomgold who was behind a projector turns to them, "I already tried, it's impossible." He yells back.

Scrooge hits a wall button with his cane and the music stops.

Glomgold stands to his feet and runs past Scrooge and Ella, "Well how was I supposed to know the on button and off button were the same button?" Glomgold says.

"I wonder how you function through life sometimes." Ella muttered as she and Scrooge look down at a pizza box.

"Did you sleep here last night?" Scrooge asks him.

Glomgold lowers a screen for a projector.

"Don't be ridiculous. Who can sleep when you're plotting against your nemesis?" Glomgold asks Scrooge before running up to him and Ella.

"That cocky Mark Beaks may be the only man I hate as much as you." Glomgold told Scrooge.

"I know the feeling." Scrooge told him narrowing his eyes at Glomgold as Glomgold jumps into his chair.

"SO now I propose that we get rid of him." Glomgold says clapping his hands to turn the lights off and turns on the projector.

Scrooge places Ella in his chair and they both stare at the projection.

"Do we really need a slide show?" Ella asks.

"Heh, sweet, naïve, child who's name i don't remember. Leave the devious planning to the professionals. You're in my world now, McDuck." Glomgold says with pride.

"Alright show us what you got." Scrooge says annoyed.

"No, you're actually on my side of the room." Glomgold says gesturing to Scrooge's one foot that was on Glomgold's side of the room.

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