Chapter Fifty-nine

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Elena set her mind to one mission: avoid Kieran until her wedding. She wouldn’t have needed to if only the events of the previous day – and night – had not occurred.

In fact, she would have liked to spend some more time with him since she loved being around him, but she was no rule breaker. Sure, she could be rebellious at times and stubborn when she had a need to play around but this was Lady Alyssa.

She’d made it clear she didn’t want her and Kieran ‘fooling around’ before they were wed. It was Lady Alyssa’s home and it was her and The Commander’s rules. Elena really wanted to respect that, and she couldn’t do it with Kieran’s recent behavior.

He was being impulsive and overwhelming, and she didn’t trust herself around him. At the back of her mind, she knew she would not be able to last long if he kept pushing and with the nightly visits.

Elena had gathered how long morning training took, and according to the hour, there was still some time left before Kieran returned to have his bath. She didn’t want to meet him anywhere in the manor, so she decided to head to the kitchen and hide there until breakfast.

Cautiously, she exited her bed- chamber and peered into both sides of the hallway.

Coast was clear.

She speed walked towards the end of the hallway which forked into two. As she was turning the corner into the next corridor, her nose crashed into something hard.

What the-

She stumbled back and looked up, only to find a pair of cyan eyes gazing back at her.

Her breath hitched. “No,” she whispered.

It was impossible.

His lips twitched into a smirk. “Yes.”

Before she had time to properly react – for example, run – his hand was at the back of her head and his lips on hers. She could not control the flutter of her heart nor her body as it leaned into him to share in his warmth. It had only been a couple hours but by the heavens, she had missed his lips without even realizing it.

She was about to kiss him back when a squeal made her jump away from him. She turned her head and found Aira and Ray standing in the hallway like statues, gaping at them.

They’d just seen them kissing!

Overwhelmed and eager to make her escape, Elena pushed past Kieran and rushed down the hallway that led to the staircase.

What was he even doing there at that time? Didn’t he have to train? He hadn’t been sweating and had smelled of cinnamon and sandalwood. Had he really gone to train? Or had he been waiting out in the hallway to corner her just so he could kiss her?

Elena blushed at the thought and increased her pace. He was crazy, but surely not that crazy, right?


All of Kieran’s siblings were giving Elena strange looks at breakfast. Some of them read, ‘I know what’s happening’ and the others read, ‘Is this really happening?’

All Elena wanted to do was eat her first meal of the day in peace. But no, everyone just could not keep their stares off her. Especially her oaf of a fiancé who sat across from her.

Was she a dear famous painting that they all had to scrutinize so extremely?

On top of that, the Commander just had to speak up.

“I feel like there is something going on here that I should be aware of, yet I am not.”

Elena chose not to be the one to reply, but quickly regretted that decision.

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