Chapter 46

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I fall back into my bed after the battle and I stare at the top of the tent for what feels like hours before changing from my Illyrian armor into more comfortable clothes and I wash off my blood-covered Illyrian blade. I open my wardrobe and ignore Tanwyn's shield and the Valkyrie diadem that sit all the way in the back as I place my weapons inside. I close the doors and I begin cleaning some fruit as I hear men with unfamiliar accents speaking outside of my tent--I feel a familiar sense of panic rise up through me but I push it down when I realize they were not Hybern soldiers. Rhysand had informed me earlier that most of the other High Lord's and their courts arrived on the battlefield today so it was one of the other court's men that spoke and laughed outside of my tent right now. I have not actually seen any of the other High Lord's, but they were most likely camped in a safer place than where we were currently stationed. I decide to leave my tent and explore the new soldiers that have begun to set up camp here, and something in me lightens up when I see all different soldiers from every court--laughing and chatting.

I step out of the tent and as I walk--I notice the stares of the soldiers. The Illyrian's have gotten somewhat used to my presence but I forgot many other court's do not allow their women to fight either. I look away from Autumn Court soldiers when I notice their harsh stares at me, and I look to the group of Day Court soldiers approaching me. I reach for my dagger at my side.

"We just wanted to say how amazing you were on the battlefield today." One of the men says with a bright smile--a genuine smile.

"Thank you." I bow my head towards them in respect.

"You were one of the best warriors out there fighting, how did you do that move where you were able to cut down five guards in just three moves?" A younger soldier asks me in excitement and I let out a laugh that quickly fades when I remember where I had learned that move.

"The Valkyrie taught me it." I say softly.

"It is horrible what happened to them," One of the men says, and I can tell he is genuine about it and the Day soldiers around him agree. I thank them once more before continuing to walk away--not wanting to talk about the Valkyrie. I find myself petting some of the horses tied to the posts outside, and I make a face when I notice they do not even have any water. I begin walking to one of the sheds where I know they keep water buckets, and I quickly open the door.

I freeze as I take in a dark skinned man taking back his hand from a fair red-headed lady.

"Oh--I am sorry. I just came in for--" I cut myself off when I notice the amount of power radiating from the man, and I realize he was a High Lord. I take in his golden armor and his dark skin and realize he was the High Lord of the Day Court. I quickly look to the lady who was most certainly not from the Day Court--from her pale skin and red hair I can only assume she was from the Autumn Court. The Autumn Court most certainly did not allow women to fight in their army and there would not be a Lady of the Autumn Court here unless she was in the High Lord's family, and since I did not recall any daughters of the High Lord of Autumn then that must mean--

"Oh." I say when I realize and they both look at me with wide eyes, the High Lord--the very handsome High Lord--shuts the door behind me and then we are all trapped in darkness. He opens his hand and it lights up the shed. "I just need a bucket."

"Who are you?" The man narrows his eyes at me and places one of his hands on his sword at his side.

"Velaris." I smile at both of them and let out a giggle, "You two can introduce yourselves but I have already figured out who you are."

"Velaris?" The High Lord asks as if he knows my name, "The Valkyrie Velaris?"

"Um," I look to the lady to see if she knows what he is talking about but she just looks frightened, "Sure?"

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