Chapter 15

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We winnow back into the palace library, and Mor lets out a long stretch as she sits down on one of the couches.

"Where did Cassian go?" She asks.

"He is retrieving our other recruit." I smirk. Rhysand walks around us as he sets up a glamor around us so if somebody were to walk into the library they would not hear nor see us.

Shadows appear in front of the table and soon Azriel walks out from them, holding rolled up papers. I look to him and widen my eyes as I realize what he is holding.

"Where the hell did you get a map of Hybern's castle?" I shriek, and Mor claps her hands in excitement.

"Hybern." Azriel says—a little too proudly. Before I can demand what the hell he was thinking sneaking into Hybern by himself, Tanwyn and Cass winnow onto the couch next to me. I jump and let out a sound of surprise

"How the hell did you two winnow in?" I demand, Tanwyn gives me a smile.

"You did not know I could winnow?" She asks innocently.

"What?" I shriek, I walk over to her and place both of my hands on her cheeks, "I am going to murder you one day, Tanwyn."

"I'd love to see you try."

Rhysand brings our attention back to the maps laid out on the table, "We cannot really plan how to enter until we know where the guards are."

"So we have to camp out and watch them." Cassian points out.

"No shit, Cass." Tanwyn replies smoothly, he makes a face at her and then begins to tickle her.


"I think I just threw up a little in my mouth." I mumble, "What are you two a thing now?"

"Yes." Cassian says proudly.

"No." Tanwyn says at the same time.

"Do you know how to focus, Velaris?" Rhysand asks me.

"On what? We cannot do anything until we actually get there, so what are we waiting for?" I ask, using my powers to change into my Illyrian fighting leathers. I would rather wear my Valkyrie fighting leathers but the white would stand out too much, the black of the Illyrian leathers help me blend into my shadows better. I walk over to the laid out maps and begin to memorize everything--from the windows to the vents in the walls. 

"How long do we have?" Azriel asks.

"My father is gone for three days." Rhysand informs us. 

Three days.

We had three days to plan a heist and then successfully find and rescue all the women that were given to Hybern. I sit in silence as Rhys and Az talk about a good place to camp out. I see Mor and Tanwyn shake hands as Cass introduces the two of them. 

"It is an honor to meet a Valkyrie." Mor says to Tanwyn with a bright smile, Tanwyn's face soon lights up as well. I lower my brows in confusion for a moment, about to ask about me when I realize I am not a real Valkyrie--and probably will never be. 

"The honor is mine, Morrigan." Tanwyn bows her head a little and I forgot for a moment that Mor is the only one of us with royal blood flowing through her, "Is it true your family holds an orb that can show anything in the world?" 

"The Veritas is able to show truth, so long as the truth lies within a place we seek to see then yes, it is able to show the truth of locations and places." Mor explains and Tanwyn just looks to her for a moment, speechless--most likely at the fact that what Mor said probably made no sense to her. 

"You have been in solitude too long, cousin." I say to her with a laugh. 

"Tell me about it!" She practically shouts as she falls back on the couch with a sigh. Her and Tanwyn begin a conversation as Cass and I make our way next to Az and Rhys who are pointing to a part of the woods on the map. 

"This is the best spot to winnow in and then camp out on this side of the wall around Hybern's castle." Azriel points to the part of the forest where it is close to the water, "Since there is not much space between the forest and the water, they will have less guards on this side of the wall." 

"They still have these watch towers, no doubt keeping a lookout on the ocean because this waterway is the only thing separating Hybern from the Summer Court." Cassian points out on the map. 

"So it may be the most watched side of the wall." Rhysand lets out a sigh as he sits back in the chair in defeat. 

"Well it will not really matter if we have the trees to cover us, right?" I ask. 

"We do not know how covered the forest is, or if it is actually a forest. We do not even know if this map is accurate." Rhysand says, narrowing his eyes at Azriel. 

"Are you doubting my skills, brother?" Azriel narrows his eyes back. 

"You were able to retrieve these maps rather easily." Cassian says and Azriel thinks for a moment and then nods his head, agreeing with them. 

"It would not be the first time a place had faked maps of their layout for this very reason." He explains. 

"So we are going in completely blind?" I ask them as they all look to each other in silence, I furrow my brows as I think. I hear Mor's laughter and turn to her, "Can we use the Veritas to show us Hybern?" 

Everyone raises their eyebrows at my plan, I hear Cass swear at himself for not thinking of that idea before me. Mor's smile fades as she thinks for a moment, "Theoretically, yes. I could work my magic on it to show us Hybern." 

"Great, lets go get it." I say, but she just shakes her head. 

"I do not know where it is." She says, and I tilt my head in confusion. 

"You were holding it--"

"It comes to me when I need it most, and then it returns back to the spot where my father keeps it hidden." Mor explains. 

"Well then just tell the damned thing that you need it now." Cass says. 

"It does not work like that." She says, "We could try to look for it, but it could be anywhere in the entire Hewn City--or the entire Night Court." 

"We do not have that sort of time." Rhysand says. I curse as I try thinking of another plan but cannot think of any other ideas. I feel a cool breeze float up from the stairs of the library and everyone turns around as they feel it too. 

"I will be right back." I tell them.

"What the hell was that?" I hear Rhysand ask as I walk away.

I reach the bottom of the library and stand there for a moment before Bryaxis appears in front of me.

What you are doing is a foolish plan.

"Did you really summon me down here to give me a lecture?" I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at him.

It will not end well for you.

"Will it end well for the women I plan to rescue?" I ask, not knowing if he knows the answer or not but it is worth a shot to ask him. He is silent for a long while.


"Then I do not care how it ends for me." I say and I walk away, every part of me screams not to walk away from this creature without being dismissed but I do it anyway. He allows me to leave  and when I walk back up to the library, I find everybody waiting for me.

"Let's go bring hell to Hybern." 

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