Chapter 11

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The next morning I find myself at the top of a hill, the wind dancing across my face. I undo my hair from my braid and let my hair fly free in the wind. My shadows dance around me, as if having fun while flying in the wind themselves, I know my shadows are a part of me but sometimes I feel as if they have their own thoughts and emotions. I put my shoulders back, and I hesitate at first, because of my still-healing scars--I let my wings come loose. There are no Illyrian men around to gape at my unclipped wings. I tilt my head back, close my eyes and let the sun warm my face against the cold. Even though I hate the people of this place, I find a certain peace here.


My shadows seem to go off somewhere, I feel a sort of excitement from them and feel someone watching me.

"Are you going to join me or keep staring like a creepy stalker?" I ask, still with my eyes closed because I do not need to open them to know who it is.

"I did not want to interrupt." Azriel says, walking up beside me, I open my eyes and face him with my eyebrows raised, "You seemed so at peace."

"I was," I say, pushing my hair behind my pointy ears so it will stop flying in front of my face, "Until you so rudely interrupted me." I nudge him in the arm, and he lets out a deep chuckle.

"Your shadows came and found me," He points out, "I thought something was wrong."

Intervening little things. I think to myself, and in response they go behind my back where I cannot see them. Cowards.

"I think they seem to find comfort when another Shadowsinger is around." I say, at least that is what I believe, "Sometimes I think they have a mind of their own."

"Oh, they definitely do." Az laughs as if he experiences the same problem, I smile at the thought-- that someone else experiences the same thing I do. Az looks off into the distance and smiles again.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you remember the last time we were here?" He asks. I try my best to remember, but it has been so long since I have been here-- "It was when you were all teaching me how to fly."

I look up at him as I remember the memory and burst out laughing, he smiles as he shakes his head in either embarrassment or how unruly I was as a child.

"You were being too scared." I say to him, and he points down to the valley below us and the deathly drop.

"You pushed me off of this--as a child." He says with his eyebrows raised and I laugh again.

"That is the best way to learn." I explain and he just shakes his head.

"It was most certainly not." He says, as if remembering the fear he had felt in that moment.

"It was the first time you flew, was it not?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I feel like there could have been a better method--"

"My methods are perfect." I say with a smirk.

"Even Cass never did anything that horrible." Az mumbles, and I act shocked that he would say such a thing and place my hand on my heart as I have seen Cass do multiple times before. I roll my eyes as I turn around, acting like I am leaving. And then I turn around and tackle Az off the side of the cliff. His eyes widen for a moment before he laughs as we freefall, wings tucked back. My heart drops in my stomach as the ground is approaching fast, but the excitement overwhelms me.

"You are insane." He says over the wind, and I just give him a broad smile before opening my wings and then I let the wind current take me up as he follows suit. I flap my wings, ignoring the pain on my back from the lashes so I can go even higher. I let myself even out when I get to a height that I am good with, just below the clouds but not high enough that the clouds would cover the view. Az quickly catches up beside me, and even a smile is plastered on his face as he looks down at the view and then at me. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him smiling at me, and I quickly look back down at the view--of the trees and the ponds and creeks and cliffs.

I do not know how long we fly for but when we land in front of the camp, I feel tiredness creeping up on me, I look to Az to see if he is feeling the same, but he is looking at something--someone standing in front of our-- his-- tent. Az walks ahead of me, and I quickly follow him.

"The High Lord requires his daughter's presence." The man says, I have never seen this man before, in the camp or in the palace. My shadows move towards the front of me, and I notice Az's do also.

"Who are you?" Az asks.

"I am the man that is taking this girl to her father." The man says and has the audacity to reach out to grab me. Az steps in front of me.

"I do not know you and she does not know you, so I can assure you, you will not be taking her anywhere." Az says coldly, and the man narrows his eyes at him. My shadows alert me of a second presence inside the tent.

"Az--" I warn him, but I notice his shadows at his face have also alerted him.

I close my eyes, and search inside the tent, finding the minds of two presences in there. I decide to try to enter one of their minds--their mental shields are up but it is very cold, and ancient inside their mind. I do not even want to enter, so I do not. I soon find another presence in the tent also, that was hidden with a shield. I search for another familiar presence in the camp; I break through his mental shields with ease.

Cass, we need your help. Is all I say before coming back into my own mind. I see Az observing me closely as the man continues to stare us down. Cass soon lands next to us with a loud boom, his siphons gleaming red.

"There are two people inside the tent." I say lowly to him, and he just eyes the man as he walks over to the tent flap and opens it. Whoever he finds he widens his eyes and looks to Az. Az places a hand on my back to lead me away from the man to see who is inside the tent. I peak my head in and confusion hits me as I see a red-haired woman lounging in one of Az's chair, in full silver armor and a crown on her head. I look to the other, more attractive, red haired women standing behind her.

"You kids must be wondering who I am." The woman sitting down chirps, "General Amarantha of Hybern, at your service." 

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