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*No one's POV*

"Hey Ronnie! I'm here" Sweet Pea said walking in to no answer "Ronnie!?" Sweet Pea shouted "Hello!?" Sweet Pea said going to her room to find her passed out on the floor "RONNIE!" Sweet Pea said checking her pulse to see she's lightly breathing "Where the hell are my children.." Sweet Pea said to himself scared. Sweet Pea was lucky he had spare keys to Veronica's car so he picked her up and brought her too the hospital.. "I need a doctor.." Sweet Pea said "Yes! Hi.. What happened?" The doctor said "I don't know.. I went to her house and found her like this" Sweet Pea said "Ok.. Thank you. What's her name?" The doctor said "Veronica Lodge" Sweet Pea said "Ok, what's your relationship with Ms. Lodge" The doctor said "Uhm... Boyfriend." Sweet Pea said lying "Ok.. Please wait.." The doctor said "Fuck.." Sweet Pea whispered sitting down..

*In Ships* (In a call) 
Sweets: Guys!
Arch: What!?
Jug: What's wrong?
Betts: Did something happen?
Cherry: Is everything ok!?
TT: What's up!?
Reg: Is everything ok Sweets?
Jos: What's wrong!!???
Fogarty: Babe... Hopefully not..
Sweets: It's Veronica.. She's in the motherfucking hostipal.
Jug: Why!?
Betts: What happen to my V!?
Sweets: I don't know.. I found her passed out...
Cherry: Were all on our way!
TT: Right now! 
Reg: Were dropping EVERYTHING
Jos: Reg... I cant drop my coffee but I'm on my way!
Fogarty: OMW RN!

6 hours later... Everyone is at the hospital but Archie...
"Where's Rebekah and Klaus?" Cheryl asked "I don't know.. They weren't there" Sweet Pea said "Oh shit.." Jughead said "Language" Juliet said slapping Jughead "Ow" Jughead said "Go give Sweets a hug Juliet" Betty said "Ok!" Juliet said hugging Sweet Pea "Don't cry.." Juliet said wiping Sweet Pea's tears "I wont try" Sweet Pea said smiling weakly "Who's here for Veronica Lodge?" The doctor said as all of them stood up "Only three at a time please.." The doctor said "B.. Sweets and Jug. There the closest to Veronica" Toni said "Wait. Doc!" Jughead said "Yes?" The doctor said "If we are three adults, can we bring our child because she's only 5" Jughead said "Yes" The doctor said "Come on Sweets and Juliet" Betty said grabbing Juliet's hand. They walked into Veronica's room as she sat up "H-hey.." Veronica said "Hey" Jughead said as Sweet Pea sat down silent "Aunty V!" Juliet said as Betty gave her to Veronica for a hug "Hey Juliet" Veronica said kissing her forehead "Where's my kids.." Veronica said "Sweet Pea said they were gone when he got there... What do you remember" Betty said as Veronica remembered....

*----Flashback----* 13 hours before

"Rebekah! Klaus! Are you guys ready!?" Veronica asked her 3 months old twins "Ma!" Rebekah said "Ya" Klaus said as a knock laid on the door "Huh? That's weird... Sweet Pea's way early" Veronica said opening the door to Archie "Archie..." Veronica said "Get to your room.. I need to talk to you" Archie said "Oh... Ok" Veronica said going to her room "Good" Archie said closing the door "So what's-" Veronica couldn't finish because Archie knocked her out.... "Sorry Veronica..." Archie said leaving and grabbing Rebekah and Klaus....

*----End Of Flashback----* Present time..

"So Archie did something" Sweet Pea said "He came to my house saying he needed to talk... Then.. I blacked out... I don't even remember being brought here" Veronica said "Holy shit" Betty said "MAMA!" Juliet said "Sorry baby" Betty said "Archie must have Rebekah and Klaus then.." Jughead said "When can I go home?" Veronica said "Right now.." Toni said with Cheryl "Great" Veronica said "Just stay off your legs" Josie and Reggie said "Ok.." Veronica said giving back Juliet to Betty but Kevin stole her "Piggy back" Veronica said to Sweet Pea "No..." Sweet Pea said as Veronica did puppy eyes "Fineee!" Sweet Pea said as Veronica went on his back and Juliet went to Kevin's back... They all went home and Jughead texted Archie...

*Private chat with Jughead and Archie* 

Jug: Yo dude 
Arch: Hey!
Jug: Wanna hang out?
Arch: I thought you needed to help Veronica find her kids?
Jug: Funny thing Archie... Only the people who went to the hospital know that..
Arch: Sweet Pea told me..
Jug: No.. Sweet Pea is with me and he told me, he told you nothing!
Arch: Uhm...
Jug: Just give back Rebekah and Klaus
Arch: No!
Jug: Archie! Do it.. If you love Veronica, you will give them back
Arch: Fine... 
Jug: Good.. Where do I meet you
Arch: My house.
Jug: Next door?
Arch: Yes Jughead.
Jug: Ok. Be there in 5. Not even..
Arch: Ok...

Poor Veronica... Sweet Pea to the rescue!
Hope you liked it!

How dare you Archie!?

#bughead #seronica (Sweet Pea and Veronica) #choni #fevin #beronica (As friends)

Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas!

Go check out my books 'The Love Of Riverdale' and 'The Master Plan'

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