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Emre sauntered onto the stage last and paused as he was picking up the guitar. He looked to the left, into the crowd of people that had noticed them on stage, eyes searching. There she sat at the bar, her black wavy hair down her back as she laughed at something Mila had said. She looked like she was holding court, a princess talking to her entourage. He huffed out a deep breath, the sound catching Axel's attention.

"You okay, man?" Axel mumbled, next to him as he adjusted the guitar strap around his neck.

"Yeah, yeah...That girl I was telling you about, she's here," Emre puffed up his cheeks before exhaling. He ruffled his hair before he picked up his guitar and started fiddling with it.

"Dude, stop. We've already tuned everything just now," Axel chided. "You didn't know she'd be here?" Axel said looking at Emre with a sideways glance.

Emre shook his head, as he continued to fiddle with the guitar. Axel sighed; this was not the time to get into girl issues as much as he loved the gossip. Emre was the youngest member of the band, the only one still in high school. And perhaps the one person who has the talent of all the other three band members combined. As much as Axel doesn't say it, he knows that the day Emre walked into his garage with his tattered guitar case, was the day their music took a turn for the amazing. Emre could write and compose, combined with Axel's fine tuning they had managed to create a sound that was theirs. With all the time the two of them spent together, it was natural that Emre started spilling little details about his family, his school, and that one girl that he had been crushing on since he was 11. God, that's a fucking long time to crush on just one person, Axel thought to himself in disbelief.

Axel always found it difficult wrap his mind around the fact that Emre was in a band like theirs. Sure, their music could be categorised as pop punk; a bit more radio friendly than the hardcore stuff, but Emre...he was too good – too wholesome for this scene. He didn't drink, refuses to be in the same room if drugs of any kind were involved, never flirted with their groupies, his mother doesn't allow Emre to have any tattoos and the crazy part of it all is the fact that Emre actually listened to her!

"Which one is she?" he nudged Emre in the ribs. Emre groaned before lifting his head and nodding towards the bar.

"The one sitting by the bar, next to Ahad."

"Right, the one with the black hair and glasses," Axel nodded as he stepped up to the microphone. "I think I can see it, she's kinda cute," he said as he smiled charmingly, winking and nodding at the crowd gathered close to the stage.

"Wait till you speak to her," Emre mumbled under his breath, his hand poised as he strummed the opening chords to the first song of their first set.

Throughout the first set, Emre forced his eyes away from her. He didn't look at her as he played his guitar, supporting Axel with his vocals as they kept playing. He picked the 'EXIT' sign located at the front door and kept his eyes trained on it. There was an odd sense of trepidation to look at Kiara. He knew the kind of musical genius that Kiara truly was, and it made him nervous. He never brought up his music or gigs, because he was genuinely afraid of her reaction to it. What if she disliked it? What if she found the lyrics silly and childish? What if she figured out that it was about her?

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